Ch 17 Darkness Dragon

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Darkness was all around a group of people and their body's could be almost not seen and then a voice came from another area of the cave that they were in. The voice said "the hour is near and the shadow grow so which one of you shall answer the call of darkness." A young man said "I will go and defeat the seven guardians of the keys." The voice said "very well Nightshoud you will lead the darkness into battle and the world will fall under the power of the beasts. So go forth to Duel Academy and win the prize we seek.

Meanwhile Jaden was sleeping peacefully in his bed as a storm hit DA. Syrus and Chumley on the other hand were scared out of their minds because of the storm. When it was time to get ready for school Jaden awoke to a Yubel alarm clock. Yubel said she could sense a dark presence and she was worried about Jaden. Jaden reassured her and gave a quick kiss on the cheek which made her wings flutter. Then when he and everyone in his class got settled in Crowler said "Jaden the Chancellor Sheppard would like to see you."

Chazz said "looks like Jaden is getting kicked to the curb, so long looser." Crowler said "he would also wants see you as well Chazz. In fact he wants to see Akiza, Alexis, Bastion, myself, Zane, Chazz, and Jaden." So the group of students and a scrub of a teacher went to Sheppard's office. When they arrived Zane was already waiting for them. Then the group gathered around Sheppard's desk and waited for him to speak. 

Sheppard said "I see that all of you made it. I summoned you all here because we have a threat that has come to this school and I need the best duelist around the school." Chazz said "oh ya of course I'm one of the best after all I am the Chazz." Sheppard said "lets get back on topic. I called you all here because a faction known as the shadow riders have come to take three sealed cards that is hidden underneath the school. These cards are known as the Sacred Beasts. They power is so great that they rival that of the Wicked Gods and the Egyptian Gods. Also one of the shadow riders has already made his way to the island."

Everyone shocked but Jaden felt a dark presence and knew that someone was going to try to get the Sacred Beasts cards. Sheppard said "the only way that the beasts came be unleashed is if they get a hold of the spirit keys. There are seven keys and seven of you so I wish that you can guard the key with your life please help defend the world from the Shadow Riders." Jaden said "I would gladly help because I think that the Beast can help Yubel explain the past of me."

Akiza said "I would love to help as long as I get to take down a bad guy or two." Chazz said "I will do it as well I can't let Jaden hog all the glory." Zane said "sure what ever." Crowler said "well if I have to then I will do my best." Bastion said "it only seems like the logical choice." Alexis said "well I can't let all of you guys have fun without me." Sheppard said "well it looks like everyone is ready so take the keys and defend the school and the world." With that they all returned to the classrooms.

So class went by and then Jaden got his deck ready because of him being in Slifer red it makes him look weak and an easy target. So as the day went by Jaden was keeping his guard up but believed that if he would attacked at night. Then as the light of the day began to fade Jaden set his deck and was ready for the shadow rider to do his or her worst. As that was happening Alexis and Akiza were walking to Jaden's room to have a talk and defend him because the shadow riders could think that he is the worse duelist.

As they got to Jaden's room a light came from the room and Akiza and Alexis entered the room and they were all transported to the volcano. They were standing on a light disk that covered most of the volcano top. Then Jaden opened his eyes and heard a evil laugh. The laugh came from the other side of the disk and a man appeared and was wearing a mask. The man said "welcome Jaden Yuki to your last duel you will ever play. But not to be rude I am known as Nightshroud. Now duel me Jaden Yuki."

Jaden said "why should I duel you I have no reason to duel you." Nightshroud said "because I have your friends Syrus and Chumley in a protective orb but that is not meant to last so this has to be a quick duel so will you duel me or will the girls behind you duel me. I will take the spirit keys and unleash a everlasting darkness upon this world. So what will it be Jaden will you accept this duel or will you back down. Also if you lose your soul will be sealed into this card I have but the same happens to me but that won't happen."

Jaden agreed to the duel and got his duel disk ready. Jaden and Nightshroud said "duel." Nightshroud said "my turn, I draw. I summon Black Dragon's Chick to the field in attack mode. (800atk) Now I active my chicks effect by sending him to the graveyard I can special summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my hand. Now I activate Inferno Fire Blast which allows me to inflict damage equal to the original attack of Red-Eyes to you." (Jaden LP 1600) Jaden screamed in pain as the damage was inflicted to him.

Akiza noticed that this duel was like when she duels. But she looked at Jaden in pain and it was breaking her heart. The same was for Alexis and they needed to be strong because Jaden is the best at this. Jaden got up and Nightshroud said "that isn't even the worst to come. I tribute my Red-Eyes to summon Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon to the field in attack mode. (2400atk) Now his ability is to gain 300 attack for every fallen dragon in my graveyard. So now my dragon has. (3000atk)"

Jaden looked at this monster as a challenge. Jaden smiled as he looked at darkness dragon. Nightshroud said "I will end my turn with a face down." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Blazeman to the field in attack mode. (1200atk) Blazeman's effect activates allowing me to search for a Polymerization and add it to my hand. Now I play Polymerization to fuse my Elemental Hero Blazeman and Elemental Hero Ocean to fusion summon Elemental Hero Absolute Zero to the field in attack mode. (2500atk) I place one card face down and end my turn."

Nightshroud said "very impressive to leave a monster that can destroy my monsters if destroyed. Now my turn, I draw. I place one card face down and end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman in attack mode. (800atk) Now I play Call of the Haunted to bring back Elemental Hero Ocean to the field in attack mode. (1500atk) Now my Absolute Zero gain 500 attack for each water monster on my side of the field. So now my monster has (3500atk) so attack his darkness dragon. (Nightshroud LP 3500) Now bubbleman and Ocean attack him directly. (Nightshroud LP 1200) I will play one card face down and end my turn."

Nightshroud said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two cards. I play Swing of Memories which allows me to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon from the Graveyard. Now I tribute my Red-Eyes to summon a second Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon in attack mode. (3300atk) Now attack Bubbleman and end this duel." Jaden said I play my face down Elemental Recharge which allows me to gain 1000 life points for each Elemental Hero on the field and I have 3." (Jaden LP 4600) after battle (Jaden LP 2100)

Nightshroud said "I place one face down and end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I will end this duel right here and right now." Nightshroud said "impossible your monster is strong but you need him in the graveyard and unless you do something then I still have the upper hand." Jaden said "I play Mask Change and I target Elemental Hero Absolute Zero and send him to the grave and now I summon Masked Hero Acid. (2600atk) Now Zero's effect goes off and so does Acid's effect. Acid's effect when summoned destroys spell and traps. Zero effect of being send to the grave destroys all your monsters."

Jaden smiled and said "now Masked Hero Acid attack him directly." The duel was over and they were all transported to the side of the volcano. Jaden tried to get up but failed miserably and fell to the ground. Akiza, Chumley, Syrus ran to Jaden and helped him up. Alexis approached Nightshroud and looked at him and then the mask he was wearing disappeared and appeared on the card that Nightshroud was going to use on Jaden. Alexis saw the man's face and tears filled her eyes. Jaden heard Alexis crying and tried his best to get to her.

Jaden got to her and saw a boy in her arms and Jaden had a feeling of who this boy was. Jaden said "Alexis is that your brother?" Alexis said "yes it is and it is all thanks to you I have him back." Then the rest of spirit key keepers found where they were. Zane walked over to Alexis and saw that the person in her arms was Atticus and he helped get Atticus on his back and to the nurses office and Jaden as well but the darkness was gone but not forgotten. 

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