Ch 30 The Last Shadow Rider

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The school year was winding down and everyone could feel the last day of school was going to be in a couple of weeks. Syrus was freaking out because he still didn't believe in his ability on the written exam. Jaden on the other hand was wanting to be the best at both the written and the duel test. Akiza was studying as well and she was one of the best in the class but Alexis had her beat as the best female duelist in the school. Chazz was doing well in class as well but he still wanted to beat Jaden.

After class one day Jaden sensed a dark presence on the island. He told Chazz, Alexis, and Akiza to look out because someone was here to get the last of the spirit keys. So the four of them went and searched for the final shadow rider but to cove more ground they all went separate way. Alexis found the final shadow rider and they dueled on another. Alexis was doing good but then the shadow rider turned the tables on her and defeated her and took her key and transported her body into a book that the shadow rider had.

The shadow rider relocated and found Chazz and got into a duel with him. Just like with Alexis, Chazz was doing well at the start of the duel but then the shadow rider took control of the duel and defeating Chazz. The shadow rider then placed Chazz's body in the book that he had and he had only two more key holders left. He then relocated and Akiza found him and started to duel him. Just like with the others Akiza had a good advantage but the shadow rider was able to turn the tables on her. She ended up losing and the key was placed in the gear to open the prison of the beasts. 

Akiza's body was taken as well and he only had one key keeper left. Jaden went to the school and he could still feel the presence of the rider. Then Syrus and Chumley found Jaden and told him that something was going down at the abandoned dorm. So the three ran to the abandoned dorm and looked around. They then made their way down to the basement. They then saw a sarcophagus near the entrance. Jaden the opened it to find Banner's body rotting away.  

Then a laugh was made in the room and Syrus and Chumley started to panic. Jaden on the other hand showed no fear. The Voice then said "welcome Jaden to the last duel you ever have." Jaden said "show yourself shadow rider? What did you do to professor Banner?" Then lights began to light up the basement and they saw a man wearing a mask and Jaden said "enough of all these games just show us who you really are." The man removed this mask and revealed that it was professor Banner.

Everyone was surprised by this news. Jaden said "professor Banner I though that you were in that sarcophagus we just saw." Banner said "my name is Amnael and I was a scientist that studied how our body work. Then I came across a disease the science could not fix. Then I was able to create a double of myself and I thought I would be able to live but both body were dying. I then was told that the power of the Sacred Beasts would be able to fix my problem. So you see Jaden I need the beasts to live so give me the key and we can all go home happy."

Jaden said "no can do teach I need to protect those cards and I promised Sheppard I would duel to defend them so get your game on teach." Amnael said "very well I will defeat you and I will at last gain immortally." Both Amnael and Jaden started their duel disk and said "duel." Amnael said "my turn, I draw. I play Chaos Distill which now all my cards are removed from play instead of going to the graveyard." Jaden knew that this card was going to be a problem. 

Amnael said "I play Steel Lamp which allows me to summon Alchemy Beast - Salamandra the Steel to the field in attack mode from my deck. (500atk) I now play Bronze Scale to let me summon Alchemy Beast - Ouroboros the Bronze from the deck to the field in attack mode. (500atk) I now play Lead Compass which allows me to summon Alchemy Beast - Leon the Lead to the field in attack mode .(500atk) I will end my turn with a face down." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman and because of him being the only card on my field I get to draw two cards."(800atk)

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