Ch 25 Chazz It Up

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Jaden awoke from his sleep and got ready for school and saw that Chazz was up and going to breakfast. Jaden went into the room where all the Slifers ate and saw Chazz siting at another table. Jaden walked over to his and said "hey how are you doing Chazz?" Chazz looked at Jaden said "I'm stuck in a dorm with a bunch of losers and I can't get a good night sleep so that how I'm doing." Jaden said "Chazz I know that you are use to getting everything you want but you have to realize that life isn't like that."

Chazz said "easy for you to say. I heard the story about you that your parents were murdered and Yugi took you in. You lost your parents but were given the best chance to get into the pro league was Yugi so you lucked out." Jaden said "Chazz my dad never used his influence to get me into the pro league. What I did was put my heart and soul into my deck and I was given a shot to duel and I won not as Yugi's son but as the Elemental King."

Chazz said "I want to win every duel but when it come to you I can't catch a break." Jaden said "Chazz it isn't about me or you it is if you believe in your deck because if you ever have doubt then you have already lost. I trust my deck and it has never let me down so Chazz believe in your deck because if you do them you can win any duel. Chazz I built my deck with blood sweat and passion and I can do it so can you." Jaden then took a card out of his deck boxes on his belt.

Jaden slid the card over to Chazz and said "I believe in you Chazz and this card can give you some extra push to the top." Chazz looked at the card and read it's effect and said "why would you give me such a powerful card Jaden?" Jaden said "because I believe in you and one day Chazz we will meet as pro duelist and give people a show." Chazz said "thanks Jaden I hope to meet you up in the pros one day and I'm going to beat you and Chazz it up." Jaden laughed and they then started on making breakfast.

After everyone came down and ate and they all went to class and they did and they were all ready to see the next battle either shadow rider or test. After class had ended Jaden was holding Akiza's right hand and on his other arm he was holding Alexis' hand. Everyone saw this and was giving Jaden the evil eye. Chazz wanted to be Jaden right now because not to everyone's knowledge Chazz was in love with Alexis. He was hoping that Jaden would take Akiza and leave Alexis open for a boyfriend but no Jaden was getting two girl and not one.

The gang decided to walk around the forest and just lay back and have a good day. After an hour the gang went back to the Slifer dorm and they were about to go and call it a day when a man in a hooded cloak and he had a duel disk. Chazz said "are you the next shadow rider?" The hooded figure nodded his head and started his duel disk. Chazz put is duel disk on and started it and said "it is time for the Chazz to Chazz it up.

The hooded figure said "my turn, I draw. I summon Golem Sentry to the field in defense mode. (1800def) I play one card face down and I end my turn." Chazz said "my turn, I draw. I summon Chthonian Soldier to the field in attack mode. (1200atk) I now equip him with United We Stand which gives my monster 800 more attack. (2000atk) I now attack your monster. I end my turn with a face down." The figure said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. I summon Don Zaloog to the field in attack mode." (1400atk) The monster didn't appear and the figure removed his cloak to reveal that he was Don Zaloog the duel spirit.

Don Zaloog said "surprised you better be. Now back to the duel I now activate Mustering of the Dark Scorpions which allows me to summon in attack mode Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow (1000atk), Dark Scorpion - Cliff the Trap Remover(1200atk), Dark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong(1800atk), and Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn. (1000atk) I now play my face down Dark Scorpion Combination which allows all my monsters to attack you directly and only deal 400 point of damage each."

Chazz thought that this was going to be a pain. Don Zaloog said "now all my monsters can attack you directly. (Chazz's LP 2000) My monster effect goes off when they inflict battle damage. First Gorg returns Chthonian Soldier to the top of your deck. Next Chick sends your face down back to your hand. Cliff send the top two card of your deck to the graveyard. Next my monster's effect allows me to have you discard one card from your hand. Finally Meanae allows me to add Dark Scorpion Combination to my hand from my graveyard. I end my turn with two face downs"

Chazz said "my turn, I draw. I play Level Modulation which allows me to summon Armed Dragon LV7 to the field in attack mode. (2800atk) Next I play Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two cards. I play Graceful Charity to draw three card but I must discard two cards. I activate LV7's effect to discard a Despair from the Dark to destroy all your monsters." Don Zaloog said "I play my face down Retreat of the Dark Scorpion which allows all my monster to return to my hand."

Chazz said "if you do that then this duel is as good as done." Don Zaloog said "now why do you think that?" Chazz said "because you left yourself completely defenseless and I still have a monster to summon and I was itching to use this card since I got it. I can summon his monster because I have exactly three dark monsters in my graveyard so come forth Dark Armed Dragon. (2800atk) I now use his effect to destroy your face down by removing from play a dark monster from my graveyard. Now my dragons attack him directly." Don Zaloog lost the duel and he faded into nothing.

Everyone looked at Chazz and Syrus said "where did you get such a powerful card Chazz?" Chazz said "I was give that card by a friend." Syrus said "can your friend give me a powerful card?" Chazz said "I don't know I would have to ask him but for now lets get to bed I am beat and don't forget we have a quiz tomorrow." Syrus said "oh crap I need to study for this I barely studied at all this week." Everyone laughed and they went to their beds knowing that there was one less shadow rider left to deal with.

Hey everyone this is Keyblade11 and I have some good news for you all I am holding on this CH a Q and A for all that would like to ask any question that you want to know about this story or another one. Feel free to ask me anything you want and I will answer it the best I can and respond as quickly as possible ok.

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