Ch 28 Duel Monster Spirit Day

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After all that had happened to Alexis they all enjoyed a week of nothing but nice quiet school life. After about a week or so Syrus was acting a little different and then to find out that Syrus was getting ready for duel monster spirit day. Jaden saw this and thought that it would be cool to bring Yubel to life and have her interact with the students for that day. So the day came and Syrus got up early to made a duel field in front of the slifer dorm. Jaden decided not to dress up because he couldn't decide between Elemental Heroes Neos and Flame Wingman.  

Chazz got dressed in his costume. Bastion was looking at his costume and then put it on. Alexis and Akiza also got into their costumes and they were ready for the fun day ahead. Jaden was ready and was told that he was going to duel a challenger. Both Syrus and Jaden went outside to see that Chazz was in an XYZ Dragon Cannon suit. Jaden said "nice suit Chazz but isn't it hard to move in that?" Chazz said "a little but if I look this good then it is all worth it."

Bastion showed up and was in an Amazoness Tiger costume. Bastion said "Jaden why aren't you dressed up?" Jaden said "I couldn't make up my mind between Neos and Flame Wingman. Also this is Yubel she is been my trusted duel spirit that has been with me since I got into dueling." Yubel appeared and Chazz and Bastion was shocked that Jaden could bring out duel spirits without a duel disk. But they then remembered that this was Jaden that they were talking about. Then Akiza showed up dressed as Black Rose Dragon. Then Alexis was dress up as one of the Harpie Lady Sisters.

Jaden looked around and saw that everyone was having fun. But Jaden could sense a duel spirit out and about wanting to have some fun.  Yubel then turned to Akiza and said "so you dress up as Black Rose Dragon. Cool I wish I could stay out more but Jaden's power can't hold me for a long time. But I will watch the duel before I go back to my spirit form. Also I was going to ask you have you ever been able to talk to any of your duel monsters or will they not respond to you?"

Akiza said "I have never been able to talk to my monsters yet but I hope that this summer that Jaden will help me get a connection with my duel spirits." Yubel said "don't worry Jaden is good at bring even the most stubborn duel spirits out. He has a way with words on how he connects with duel spirits." Akiza smiled and looked at Jaden and knew that he was a once in a life time catch. Atticus on the other hand was taking picture of Alexis and saying how he was going to send pictures back home.

Alexis was running after Atticus and then Zane showed up but he didn't dress up like Jaden because he wasn't into the whole dressing up thing. Everyone was gathered at the Slifer dorm but they wanted to see the Dark Magician Girl costume. Syrus was panicking because he had to give the people what they want but he didn't have anyone in mind to play the part. Everyone was getting upset but then a miracle happened and a girl dressed up as the Dark Magician Girl was standing in front of them and she had a duel disk ready and waiting. 

The girl said "is it ok if I duel?" Everyone said "yes, yes you can duel." So the Dark Magician Girl and Jaden got into position and said "duel." Dark Magician Girl said "my turn, I draw. I set one monster face down and end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman to the field in attack mode. (800atk) I now play Polymerization to fuse my Bubbleman and Elemental Hero Burstinatrix to fusion summon Elemental Hero Steam Healer to the field in attack mode." (1800akt)

Alexis and Akiza were watching the game with interest but knew that when Jaden gets his game on nobody could stop him. Jaden said "I now attack your face down monster." The monster was Fire Sorcerer and its flip effect is that Dark Magician Girl Banishes two random cards to inflict 800 points of damage. (Jaden's LP 3200) Jaden said "because my monster destroyed your monster I gain life points equal to that of your monster attack. (Jaden's LP 4200) I end my turn." Dark Magician Girl said "my turn, I draw. I summon Magician's Valkyria to the field in attack mode." (1600atk)

Most if not all the guys were in love with this new Magician card but it could not beat the original. Dark Magician Girl said "I play Dimension Fusion by paying 2000 life points I we can both summon monsters that were removed from play. Now come forth Magician's Valkyria and Dark Magician Girl in attack mode. (200atk) I now attack your monster with the Dark Magician girl. Now my two Magician's Valkyria attack you directly. (Jaden's LP 800) I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I activate Fusion Recovery to add Burstinatrix to my hand from the graveyard."

Yubel was watching the duel then Atticus said "so do you think Jaden can win?" Yubel said "yes he has all he needs in his hand to win." Atticus nodded and watched. Jaden said "I play Polymerization to fuse my Elemental Heroes Burstinatrix and Avian to fusion summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman to the field in attack mode. (2100atk) I will end my turn with two face downs." Dark Magician Girl said "my turn, I draw. I use the equip spell Magic Formula on my Dark Magician Girl to have her gain 700 attack points. Now attack his monster."

Jaden said "I play my two face downs Stanch Defender and Hero Barrier. Hero Barrier negates your attack and then Stanch Defender has your other monsters forced to attack Flame Wingman." The Dark Magician Girl watched as her two monsters crashed into Flame Wingman and then his effect kicked in reducing her life points to zero. The crowd was pissed at Jaden but he said "I play to win not to give you a fixed match." Most of the people got over it but the Dark Magician Girl disappeared and Yubel then said goodbye to the gang and went back into spirit form.

Syrus went looking for the Dark Magician Girl but never found her. The night took over and the gang started a fire and everyone was having a good time. Then in Syrus' ear the Dark Magician Girl said "thanks for the fun time and I hope to see you again." She then disappeared and Syrus was happy as a kid on Christmas. Everyone was happy that this duel monster spirit day was good and they hoped that days of peace would stick around for a which but they learned that Banner had gone missing. All they could hope is that Banner was ok but Jaden knew that something dark was going to happen.

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