Ch 19 Vampires Vs Machines

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After the defeat of Crowler everyone was in shock by this and everyone was sad by this defeat. Jaden was angry and he wanted to duel that psycho vampire. But it looks like she wants to take a bite out of Zane first. Jaden believed in Zane but for some odd reason he had a feeling that, that vampire would use some underhanded trick. But Jaden went to sleep not knowing that a bat was keeping an eye on him. In fact all of the keykeepers were being watched but Jaden was injured and couldn't duel so his deck was safe for now. 

That night nobody could get a good nights sleep and as the night changed to morning everyone that witnessed the duel was in chancellor Sheppard's office. They showed Sheppard the doll and Sheppard had to cancel all school activities today because of Crowler being turned into a doll and it would freak everyone out if Crowler was absent today. So Alexis and Akiza went to see Jaden and Atticus so did Chumley, Syrus, and Bastion. Chazz was trying to get his room refurbished but it was taking longer than he had anticipated .

As the day went by Zane was waiting and preparing for the duel of his life because his life would be on the line. The day went by fast because of the no school and no other activities. The darkness began to take the school over and the moon was full showing the castle in the lake. The gang then appeared to the lake and then a red carpet leading to the castle. They followed it and went inside the castle. They then found Camula waiting for then. She smiled at her guests and wanted nothing more that to duel the one that she craved.

Zane then took his position on one of the two balcony's. Camula did the same and was very happy about it and that and it freaked everyone but Jaden and Zane. Jaden knew that Zane was good but Camula could have a trick up her sleeve. Not to mention that she is a vampire so it could be that she is out for blood. Syrus was nervous about this duel because if Crowler got beat then it could happen to Zane to. But Jaden put his hand on Syrus' shoulder and gave a smile at him and it calmed Syrus down.

Camula and Zane said "duel." Camula said "my turn, I draw. I summon Vampire Lady in attack mode. (1550atk) I end my turn with a face down." Zane said "my turn, I draw. I play Power Bond to fuse my three Cyber Dragons to fusion summon Cyber End Dragon in attack mode. (4000atk) Now due to Power Bond he gains 4000 extra attack so now my Cyber End Dragon is at 8000 now. Now Cyber End Dragon attack her Werewolf and end this madness." Camula smiled and said "I play my trap Red Ghost Moon which allows me to gain life points equal to Cyber End Dragon's attack and end the battle phase."

Zane said "I play de-fusion to defuse my Cyber End Dragon so I can summon Cyber Dragon's to my field. (3x 2100atk) I will end my turn with a face down." Camula said "my turn, I draw. I tribute my Lady for Vampire Lord in attack mode. (2000atk) I banish my Vampire Lord to summon Vampire Genesis in attack mode. (3000atk) Now attack his Cyber Dragon Vampire Genesis." Zane said "I play my face down Attack Reflector Unit. Which allows me to tribute one of my Cyber Dragons and allows me to summon Cyber Barrier Dragon to the field in attack mode." (800atk)    

Camula said "Vampire Genesis attack Cyber Barrier Dragon." Zane said "I use Cyber Barrier Dragon's effect to negate that attack." Camula ended her turn. Zane said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two cards from my deck. I play Photon Generator Unit, by giving up two of my Cyber Dragons I can summon Cyber Laser Dragon to the field in attack mode. (2400atk) Now I use Cyber Laser Dragon's effect which allows me to destroy a monster which has more attack or defense than this card."

Camula watched in horror as her best monster was destroyed and her life points were next to take a hit. Zane said "Cyber Barrier Dragon, and Cyber Laser Dragon attack her directly. (Camula LP 800) I end my turn with a face down." Camula looked at her hand and she needed the one card that could end this duel and she needed it now. Camula said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two cards. Now your done I play Illusion Gate."

Zane didn't like that card and knew that it was a bad card. Camula said "now I need to is offer a soul to activate this cards requirements." Chumley said "ok then offer your soul so we can get this over with." Camula said "you are sadly mistaken as I didn't say my soul I can offer anyone's soul as long as I have this shadow charm I know the  perfect soul." A double of Camula appeared and grabbed Syrus from the group and everyone was in horror as Syrus was going to be offered. Zane had no idea what was going to happen but he needed to make a choice.

Camula double had appeared and said "if I lose this duel then Syrus' soul will be offered. Now that Illusion Gate has meet it requirements I can destroy all of your monsters. Now for the best part I can summon any monster that has been played in this game. Now come forth Cyber End Dragon to the field in attack mode." (4000atk) Syrus said to Zane "Zane you have to win or all will be lost. I guess my sacrifice will save the world so please brother win." Camula ordered Cyber End Dragon to attack. Zane could use his face down but he never activated it and lost the duel.

Zane smiled at his brother and said "Syrus your worth more to me than anyone after all we are brothers so keep getting better and one day you my be able to beat me." Zane's body began to disappear and then in Camula's hand was a Zane doll. Camula smiled as she got what she wanted and the group left the castle crying. Everyone was sad because Zane was cheated out of a win because that shadow charm that Camula used Jaden knew he had to face her and get a shadow charm of his own. Jaden looked out over the ocean and he would free his friend and teacher so that the world could be at peace.

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