Ch 27 Titan Returns

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Alexis was sitting on a chair next to her brother. He was still out of it and he wasn't responding and he was just not able to wake up. Akiza visited her and Atticus and she gave some points to keep him okay. Miss Fontaine was also on the scene but she couldn't find any way to get his to wake up. Akiza patted Alexis on the head and said that he would wake when his baby sister needs him. Alexis nodded and they both left the nurses office and went to class. 

The two of them got to class and Jaden could see that Alexis was not in the right state of mind. Alexis was not listening to Crowler's lecture and Jaden could see that. Jaden tried to think of what Alexis was thinking about when a note landed next to him. He saw that it was from Akiza and he read it. He then knew what was going on but he felt powerless because he had no control over this. Syrus looked at the note and knew that Jaden was beating himself up because of this was one place where a duel can't wake him up.

As the day went by Jaden had Alexis come with him to the roof of the school and made a lunch for the both of them. Jaden said "is there any way that Miss Fontaine can get Atticus up and running yet?" Alexis said "we have tried some different things to get him to wake up but he still isn't responding. I am at the breaking point because all I want is to see my brother open his eyes again." Jaden held Alexis' hand and said "I'm here for you and if there is anything I can do for you don't hesitate to ask."

Aleixs smiled at Jaden and they ate their lunch and went back to class. After class ended Alexis went back to the nurses office to see Atticus and Jaden said that he wanted study. So Jaden, Akiza, Syrus, Bastion, and Chazz went back to the red dorm and decided to work in Chazz's room. They all got going on homework and Jaden was the first to get done then Bastion and Akiza finished after him and Chazz finished. Jaden then helped Syrus finish his homework and it was growing dark outside.

Meanwhile with Alexis she was sitting next to Atticus and she was still wondering when he would awake from this sleep he was in. Then a voice said "so girl you want your brother back do you?" Alexis looks around and sees a dark portal appear next to the bed. She then said "yes I would give anything to have him open his eyes again." The voice said "if you want him to wake then come and duel me. If you win then I will bring him back. But if you lose you will be trapped forever." Alexis said "bring it on."

Meanwhile Jaden was going to get everyone back to their rooms when he felt a dark presence and Jaden knew that it was a shadow rider. He told the gang his feeling and looked at see where this rider was but then he knew that this rider went for Alexis. They looked around and thought that Alexis was in the nurses office so they ran over there to see if Alexis was there. When they got to Atticus' room they saw that there was a portal to an unknown location. But they then saw that Atticus was moving and he told them that Titan had come to taken Alexis.

Alexis had entered the portal and was in the basement of the abandoned dorm. Titan showed himself and he activated his duel disk. Alexis started her duel disk and both said "duel." Titan said "my turn, I draw. I summon Picador Fiend to the field in attack mode. (1600akt) I will end my turn." Alexis said "my turn, I draw. I summon Cyber Tutu to the field in attack mode. (1000atk) Now because you control a monster with more attack than mine my monster can attack you directly. (Titan's LP 3000) I end my turn with a face down."

Titan said "my turn, I draw. I attack your Cyber Tutu with my Picador Fiend." Alexis said "I activate my face down Doble Passe which redirects the attack to be direct attack but my monster get to attack directly as well." (Alexis' LP 2400) (Titan's LP 2000) Titan said "I now play Ritual of the Matador which by sending Summoned Skull I can ritual summon Matador Fiend to the field in attack mode. (0atk) I play the field spell Dark Arena and I end my turn." 

Alexis said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization to fuse my Etoile Cyber and Blade Skater to fusion summon Cyber Blader to the field in attack mode. (2100atk) Now because you control two monsters my Cyber Blader doubles her attack." Titan said "because of my field spell I can choose which monster you attack so your Cyber Blader will attack my Matador Fiend." Alexis said "fine then I win the duel." Alexis watched as her monster attacked but then was destroyed. Titan said "my monster can't be destroyed in battle and I take no damage and he destroys the monster he battled with. Now your Tutu will attack my Picador Fiend." (Alexis' LP 1800)

Alexis was stunned by the turn of events and she could feel the pressure mounting. Alexis then said "I summon Cyber Gymnast to the field in defense mode.(1800def) I end my turn." Titan said "my turn, I draw. I use Picador Fiend effect which allows me to attack you directly if I control the field spell Dark Arena so attack my monster. (Alexis' LP 200) I summon Banderillero Fiend to the field in attack mode. (900atk) I use his effect to destroy your monster but it can't battle the turn it uses this effect. I end my turn."

Alexis felt hopeless but then a voice came to her and the voice sounded like Atticus' voice and it told her to never give up. Alexis found her courage and said "my turn, I draw. I play Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two cards. I play Warrior Returning Alive to get back my Etoile Cyber back from my graveyard. I play Fusion Recovery to add Polymerization and Blade Skater to my hand. I now play Polymerization to fuse my two monsters again to fusion summon Cyber Balder to the field in attack mode. (2100atk) Now her effect is that she negates all your cards. So your Matador Fiend can't save you now so attack and end this duel."

The duel ended but Titan had been taken again by the shadows and she was wondering if he kept his promise. The dark shadows disappeared and Alexis looked around to see everyone else standing a little ways away. Atticus was up and she was smiling at Alexis. Alexis ran and jumped into Atticus' hands and Alexis was crying and everyone was touched by the reunion of Alexis and Atticus. Then they all looked at the two of them and they knew that everyone was glad to have Atticus back and one more shadow rider was gone and hopefully they could have some down time.

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