Ch 16 Keepers of the Grave

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A week went by since the school duel and dance. The one thing that was the talk of the school was that Jaden had gotten not one but two girlfriends and the hottest and the best girl duelists in the school. But the school life was nothing to Jaden as long as he had Alexis and Akiza. Then a field trip to the ancient ruins by professor Banner was suggested and the only ones that wanted to attend were Bastion, Syrus, Chumley, Chazz, Akiza, Alexis, and Jaden. So the trip started and Jaden was cautious because Yubel was wanting that.

Then when they reached the ruins they took a short break and they ate some snacks. Pharaoh the cat that professor Banner didn't want him to come with but he got into Banner's backpack. Not only did the cat get into him backpack but ate his lunch. Then after lunch they all looked around the ruins and then a flash of light covered all of the students eyes and they were transported to another place. Unfortunately the group was separated from each other and Jaden had a bad feeling. Then Yubel appeared but not in spirit form but in physical form.

Jaden was taken a back by Yubel in physical form but was happy all the same. Yubel then gave Jaden a hug and said that she wanted to do that for the longest time because she truly loved him as her partner and her best friend. Jaden then walked around the area and saw an area that he didn't recognized but went near it and saw guards so he hid and so did Yubel. Then Yubel remembered who these people where and told Jaden to be cautious as they were duel spirits. Not to mention these duel spirits were not as reasonable as other duel spirits were.

Jaden ran into a Gravekeeper's and this one was reasonable because she recognized Yubel as the guardian of the supreme king. She led both of them to a room and told them to wait while she saves Jaden's friends from being put into tombs. So Jaden waited and waited till guards came into the room and tried to capture Jaden but Yubel wouldn't allow it. Then the Gravekeeper's Chief appeared and asked the guards what all the fuss was about. Then he saw Yubel and was put in a state of shock and looked at Jaden and put two and two together.

Then the Chief thought of a plan and challenged Jaden to a duel. Yubel them appeared and said that she would duel on Jaden's behalf. The Chief gritted his teeth but accepted and they then stood on each ends of a platform with the group down below in coffins. Yubel grew her duel disk and the Gravekeeper's Chief somehow had one himself. The Gravekeeper's Chief and Yubel said "Duel." The Chief said "my turn, I draw. I summon Gravekepper's Curse to the field in attack mode. (800atk) Now his effect goes off which deals you 500 points of damage. (Yubel LP 3500) I end my turn.

Yubel said "my turn, I draw. I summon Mystic Tomato in attack mode. (1400atk) Now attack his Curse. (Chief LP 3400) I end my turn." Gravekeeper's Chief said "my turn, I draw. I summon Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier in attack mode. (1500atk) Now attack her Mystic Tomato." (Yubel LP 3400) Yubel said "Because you destroyed Mystic Tomato I can now summon a 1500 attack point or below monster as long as it is a dark monster. So I choose the power of Yubel." (0atk) The Gravekeeper's Chief said "that is nothing so I will end my turn with a face down."

Yubel said "my turn, I draw. I play two cards face down and I summon Black Ptera in attack mode. (1000atk) Now I end my turn and I have to sacrifice my Ptera to keep my double on the field so goodbye Ptera. But wait that's not all because Ptera was send to the graveyard other than battle it returns to my hand." Gravekeeper's Chief said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization to fuse my Gravekeeper's Chief and Spy to fusion summon Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist in attack mode. (2000atk) Now my monster gains 900 attack because of the levels of the two monsters is 9 so he gains 900 attack because of it. Now go destroy that Yubel."

Yubel smiled as he attacked and watched as Yubel was still on the field and her life points remained untouched. Yubel then said "Yubel's special ability is that she can't be destroyed in battle and all the battle damage to me is zero. But you take all the damage instead of me." (Gravekeeper's Chief LP 500) The Gravekeeper's Chief said " I play Raigeki to destroy your Yubel." Yubel then said "I play Yubel's ability which allows me to summon Yubel Terror Incarnate to the field in attack mode. (0atk) Now I play my trap Yubel's Revenge because you destroyed Yubel I can destroy one of your monsters and you take damage equal to their attack so goodbye Supernaturalist." (Gravekeeper's Chief LP 0)

Jaden smiled as the duel was over and Yubel's wings began to flutter and Jaden just smiled as the gang was released from their grave that could have been. The Gravekeeper's appeared to be angry that they had to let the prisoners go.Then the Gravekeeper's Chief said that the trespassers were judged and they have proven themselves and they have the right leave.  Then the Gravekeeper's backed off and then the Gravekeeper's Chief gave Jaden half of a shadow charm and then they were told to go the ruins that the gate would open. So the group made their way to the gate and it opened and everyone in the group were unconscious. Yubel was the only one awake and she looked at Jaden and said to herself "Jaden seems to always find a way to save the ones he loves." Yubel then took physical form and gave Jaden a kiss on the lips. Yubel then thought to herself 'even if he doesn't return my love I will always love him. Not only because he is my master but because he cares more about his friends and lovers. I just wish one day that he can return the feeling that I have held in me for more then half of Jaden's life. I will always love you Jaden and I will be your swords and shield. I will not allow the light or the dark taint the smile that you have as it is pure and full of love. I will die for you Jaden for you are everything to me.'

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