Ch 15 Chazz's Returns

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Chazz had won his way into north academy and defeated all of the students and became known as the king of north academy. He was given cards from the head master and was told that they would be going to Duel Academy and he would duel a Jaden Yuki and he was happy. He smiled and everyone in the school thought it was scary to see Chazz smile. Meanwhile Jaden was walking and was told that by Sheppard that the students from the North academy were on their way to DA for the school duel.

The school gathered and waited for North Academy to show up. But there was no ship in sight and everyone started to believe that NA had given up. But Jaden knew that something was going to happen but he didn't know what. Then a submarine popped out of the water and then got to park and the students of NA got off and the chancellor of NA greeted Sheppard and everyone was pumped that the duel would come soon. Then the North's student that would duel Jaden showed up and it was non other then Chazz. 

Chazz walked past Jaden not saying anything and then Chazz made eye contact and sparks started to fly and everyone from NA started to say 'Chazz it up.' Then Chazz's brothers showed up and told everyone that this duel would be broadcasted. Akiza and Alexis were happy to here that their soon hopefully boyfriend would be the victorious. But the Akiza had an idea to help Jaden win the duel but she would have to wait till the right time to give him the cards that would help him. Jaden made his way to his room that they gave him to prepare in and Jaden had Yubel appear in her physical form.

Yubel said "well this is you first big duel so how do you feel Jaden?" Jaden said "I feel good but I have a feeling that the brother of Chazz are up to no good. But other than that I feel good and pumped to get my game on." Yubel chuckled and then a knock on the door and Yubel then reverted back into her spirit form. Jaden said "enter." Akiza and Alexis both came into the room and smiled look their faces. Akiza saw Yubel and assumed that Yubel was giving Jaden a pep talk before the duel.

Akiza said "so Jaden are you ready for this duel?" Jaden said "hell ya I am so pumped up to duel Chazz again and it is on tv so my dad and mom can watch it." Alexis said "you never will change will you Jaden. You look like a kid in a candy store but all about dueling people. But that is just one of the reasons why we like you." Akiza walked up to Jaden and said "here take these cards they will help you win I promise." Jaden looked at the two cards and smiled and said "these cards will finish off Chazz for me and thanks to the both of you."

Then the threesome walked to the entrance of the arena and Alexis was on Jaden's right hand side and Akiza was on the other side. Jaden said "well wish me luck." Akiza and Alexis looked at one another in the eyes and nodded and then they kissed Jaden's cheeks at the same time. Jaden then looked at them but then they pushed Jaden into the arena and the DA students cheered as Jaden entered the arena. Then Chazz came out of the other side of the arena and NA students were saying "CHAZZ IT UP." 

Both Duelist took the field and then Chazz and Jaden started their duel disk and said "duel." Chazz said "winners first I draw. I summon X-Head Cannon to the field in attack mode. (1800atk) I end my turn with a face down." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Woodsman in defense mode. (2000def) I end my turn with a face down." Chazz said "my turn, I draw. I summon Y-Dragon Head in attack mode. (1500atk) Now I equip my Y to my X so now my X-Head Cannon has." (2200atk)

Jaden watched as X-Head Cannon got stronger. Chazz said "X-head attack his weak hero." Jaden said "I play my face down Negate Attack which ends the battle phase." Chazz said "fine I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. The effect of Woodsman which he allows me to add a Polymerization to my hand from my deck or grave. I summon Elemental Hero Stratos in attack mode. (1800atk) Now Stratos' effect activates which allows me to search for a hero from my deck and add it straight to my hand. I choose Elemental Hero Neos. I now play Graceful Charity which allows me to draw three cards but I must discard two."

Chazz didn't like this at all but he needed one more turn and he would have this duel in the bag. Jaden said "I play one card face down and end my turn." Chazz said "my turn, I draw. I summon Z-Metal Tank in attack mode. (1500atk) Now I send XYZ to the grave to summon XYZ Dragon Cannon in attack mode. (2800atk) Now I discard one card to destroy your Woodsman. I now play my face down call of the Haunted to summon Armed Dragon LV 5 to the field in attack mode." (2400atk)

Jaden looked and saw that next turn was going to be a pain to destroy the field that Chazz had set up. Chazz said "ok Armed Dragon attack Stratos. (Jaden's LP 3400) Now XYZ Dragon Cannon attack Jaden directly. (Jaden's LP 600) I end my turn and because my Armed Dragon destroyed a monster in battle he gets an upgrade and goes to Armed Dragon LV 7 in attack mode." (2800atk) 

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization to fuse my Elemental Heroes Neos and Bladedge to summon Elemental Hero Neos Knight in attack mode. (2500atk) Now my Knight gains half of the attack points of the other warrior type monster I fused with so my monster gains 1300atk my Knight has. (3800atk) Now I play O - Oversoul to summon Neos back to the field in attack mode. (2500atk)Now attack both of his monsters. My Knight can attack twice but can't deal battle damage so you are safe for now. But Neos is under no such control so Neos attack Chazz directly. (Chazz's LP 1500) I end my turn.

Chazz said "my turn, I draw. I play Level Modulation which allows me to summon back LV7 but you get to draw two cards. I now tribute my LV 7 to summon Armed Dragon LV 10 to the field in attack mode. (3000atk) Now I use his effect to destroy all face up monsters on your field by sending a card to the grave. Now Armed Dragon LV 10 attack Jaden directly." Jaden said "I play my face down Flute of Summoning Kuriboh which allows me to summon Winged Kuriboh in defense mode." (200def) Chazz said "destroy that monster. I end my turn. Jaden you got no change of beating me so give up."

Jaden said "not until the last card is played and I will be the winner on my next turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Sparkman to the field in attack mode. (1600atk) I play Monster reborn to bring back a new card given to me my a dear friend I summon Twlight Rose Knight to the field in attack mode. (1000atk) Now I tune my level 3  knight with my level 4 Sparkman. Chilling flames engulf the entire world. Pitch-dark flower, set into bloom! Synchro Summon! Appear now! Black Rose Dragon!" (2400atk)

Everyone in the stands were in shock but Alexis and Akiza were smiling as this duel was over. Jaden said "now I remove one plant type monster from the game and you monsters attack goes down to zero." Chazz said "but you don't have any plant types in your grave unless you send one to the grave using Graceful Charity." Chazz watched in horror as his monster's attack was reduced to zero and Black Rose Dragon attacked and won Jaden the duel. The duel was over and Jaden gave back the two card that he used to Akiza and Chazz decided to come back to DA but had to be in the red dorm.

Then the dance would begin in three hours and Jaden rushed to the dorm to get ready but Akiza and Alexis ran as well and were getting ready. The three hours went by and Jaden got into his suit with a Elemental Hero Neos tie. He then asked Nurse Fontaine if the two girls were already to go. He saw the two girls come down the all and Akiza was in a red dress and Alexis was in a blue dress and Yubel appeared in spirit form and said "be a good boy and tell them how you feel ok Jaden."

So the three of them went to the main arena and it was made into a dance room and then they started to play music as they entered the dance arena. Then they played music for groups of people could dance to and they did then the DJ said to find a partner and dance to the next 4 slow songs. Jaden took Alexis first and danced to the first two songs then Jaden took Akiza and danced to the next two songs. 

Then the three of them left and went to the cliffs and looked out over the water. Akiza said "it is beautiful isn't it." Jaden said "not as beautiful as you two." Akiza and Alexis blushed at this comment and then Jaden said "ok I know that you gave me a choice and everything but I want to say one thing. I love both of you to much to leave one of you alone so I pick both of you because I love you both so much." Both girls turned away from Jaden and started to cry tears of joy as they both thought that Jaden would pick both of them.

Then both girls tackled Jaden and both girls kissed Jaden on the lips. Jaden was shocked to see that they both loved him as well but was happy that both girls could love him. Then they got off Jaden and told him that, that was their first kiss. Jaden hugged both girls and said that he would never let them go. Then the Queen of Obelisk blue and the Black Rose Witch hearts melted as their lover embraced them and they wished that this moment would never end.

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