Ch7 Machines Rise

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Jaden awoke from his sleep to hear knocking on the door. He got dressed and was greeted by the campus police. Both him and Syrus were taken away. They both were taken to a room were there was several screens which had important persons. Sheppard, Crowler, the leader of campus police, and Seto Kaiba. Syrus was scared to death seeing Seto Kaiba. Crowler said "these two delinquents should be expelled for going onto a off limits area." The campus police officer agreed with Crowler. Sheppard was keen to listen to the boys story because he wanted all sides before he and mr. Kaiba made a decision.

Jaden told his story and Syrus tried his best to explain what he saw. Sheppard was listening very closely and Kaiba was the same. When Jaden finished his statement and then all the screens when black. About five or so minutes pasted and Sheppard and Kaiba had made their choice. Sheppard said "I would like the two of you to participle in a tag duel. If you win the duel then you are not going to be disciplined but if you fail to win then we will have a punishment for the two of you."

Jaden said "If we fail to win I would like to take the punishment double but leave Syrus out of this please. I was the leader so I take full responsibility for breaking the rules." Sheppard nodded and they were to have the tag duel in 3 days. Jaden was fine but Syrus was shaken because he could cost Jaden more then just a blemish on his record. Jaden told Syrus that this would be good to build his confidence and show the school that Syrus was a good duelist. Syrus was still stuck in the mud in his mind because he didn't want to destroy his friends reputation.

Jaden told Syrus to duel him. Syrus looked like he had seen the worst monster ever because he didn't see why Jaden would ask him to duel him. Then Jaden got Chumley, Akiza, Bastion, and Alexis to watch this duel so that Syrus could get comfortable in front of a crowd. Syrus was didn't want do duel but was pushed into it but another thing that popped into his head was his older brother telling him he wasn't good enough to be a duelist. That was what Syrus hated the most about being at DA.

Jaden said "duel." Jaden said "I will start things off. I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Clayman to the field in defense mode (2000def). I end my turn with a face down." Syrus said "my turn, I draw. I summon Steamroid in attack mode (1800atk). Now I attack your Clayman. Due to my Steamroid's special ability he gains 500 attack points when he attacks a monster. Now I will end my turn with a face down." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Sparkman in attack mode (1600atk). Now Sparkman attack Steamroid." Everyone watching was confused why Jaden attacked a monster with more attack points.

Steamroid lost 500 attack points and was destroyed and dealt Syrus 300 points of damage. Jaden said "I end my turn." Syrus said "my turn, I draw. I summon Submarineroid in attack mode (800atk). Now Submarineroid attacks you directly. Now I my monster switches into defense mode. I end my turn with a face down." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play polymerization to fuse my Elemental Hero Sparkman and Neroshade to summon Elemental Hero Darkbright in attack mode (2000atk). Now attack Submarineroid, now my monster's effect switches to defense mode (1000def). I end my turn."

Syrus said "my turn, I draw. I play my facedown Call of the Haunted to bring back my Steamroid from my grave in attack mode. Now I play Pot of Greed which lets draw two cards. I play my own Polymerization to fuse my Steamroid and Gyroid to summon Steam Gyroid in attack mode (2200atk). Now attack Darkbright." Jaden said "seeing that my monster was destroyed in battle my monsters effect kicks in and destroys your monster." Syrus was stunned to hear that and watched Steam Gyroid explode in front of him.

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play the O - Oversoul to summon back Elemental Hero Sparkman in attack mode. Now I play polymerization to fuse my Sparkman and King of the Swamp to summon Elemental Hero Shinning Flare Wingman in attack mode (2500atk). I now play my last card in my hand Graceful Charity which allows me to draw three cards but I have to discard two of them." Jaden discarded Elemental Heroes Heat and Avian. Jaden then said "now my Hero gains 300 attack points for each Hero in my graveyard. Now my Hero gains 1200 attack points and that is enough to take you down. Attack Syrus directly."

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