Ch 6 Shadows Rise

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Few days went by and Jaden was feeling something on this island that was different than before. Jaden asked Yubel to search the island to see what maybe the dark power on this island. As the day went by it seemed that Alexis was sad and Jaden could see it in her eyes and how she acted. So after school Jaden asked Alexis what was bothering her. Alexis told Jaden about her brother disappearing and she wanted to find him because she loved him dearly. Jaden felt that the power on this island could have done that to Alexis' brother.

Yubel then returned and told Jaden that the presence that he was feeling was as the abandoned dorm. Jaden asked Syrus and Chumley if they knew anything about the abandoned dorm. Chumley said that students disappeared at the dorm but the school doesn't talk about it. Jaden said that they would explore the dorm tomorrow to find any answers that they could. As the next day went by Akiza was looking at Jaden and saw that he was going to do something by his facial expression. After school Akiza asked Jaden what was up and he told her what he was going to do and she offered her services.

So as the sun set Jaden, Akiza, Syrus, and Chumley set out to the abandoned dorm. Jaden could sense that something was wrong but he knew that whatever happened he would protect his friends. When they reached the dorm Jaden saw a rose on the ground near the sigh that said not to enter. Jaden looked around and out of the shadows he saw Alexis. Alexis asked what they were doing here. Jaden said that he wanted to see the dorm for he could feel a disturbance in that dorm. Alexis said that the dorm was bad news.

Jaden knew something was up and Alexis told the group that her brother disappeared from that dorm. Jaden now had a better reason to look in the dorm. As they went Alexis hoped that they would find answers. She turned to leave the area but a large man in the shadows attacked and put her in a deep sleep. Jaden looked at the dorm and thought that it was a good place to have this their home. Syrus said that he wouldn't like that because of this dark vibe that this place was giving off.

Then a scream came from the basement of the dorm and all four of them rushed to the basement. As they reached the basement they saw a clearing but was still dark but had enough light to see most of the room. Jaden and Akiza looked around the room but then an sinister laugh came from the other side of the room. The man appeared in a mask and behind him was a casket and both Akiza and Jaden saw that in the casket was Alexis. The man challenged both Akiza and Jaden to a duel. Jaden looked at Akiza and she had her duel disk ready to go.

Jaden and Akiza started their duel disks. The man stepped out of the dark and revealed himself and Jaden knew who it was. It was Titan a dueling mercenary and puts his victims in a coma. He also raped women on numerous times. So Jaden was ready to take him down and save Alexis from being his next victim. Titan said "This duel will go like this I will go first but nobody can attack till my next turn. Also I have 8000 life points so the two of you can choose who goes next but I will send you both to the shadow realm."

Titan said "my turn, I draw. I play the Field spell Pandemonium. Now I summon Infernalqueen Archfiend in attack mode (900atk). I end my turn with two face downs." Jaden looked at Akiza and he saw the fire in her eyes and knew to let her go first. Akiza said "my turn, I draw. I summon Evil Thorn in attack mode (100atk). Now I use my monsters effect to self destruct and you get dealt with 300 points of damage. Now I get to summon 2 other Evil Thorns but their effects are negated. I end my turn with a face down."

Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Graceful Charity to draw three cards but I must discard two. Now Elemental Hero Shadow Mist's ability activates which allows me to add any Hero monster from my deck to my hand besides Shadow Mist." So Jaden added Bladedge to his hand. Jaden then said "I play Polymerization to fuse my Sparkman and Clayman to form Elemental Hero Thunder Giant in attack mode (2400atk). Now I use Thunder Giants effect to destroy your Infernalqueen by discarding one card."

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