Ch 18 Vampire Attack

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It was a dark night and a coffin was floating in the ocean near the school. Then the coffin opened to reveal a woman and she seemed to be a sour attuite. She had heard that Nightshroud had fallen and that a powerful duelist had defeated him. She was not happy but she knew that she could make up the difference. Then a swarm of bats circled her and then all the bats were sent to spy on the chosen duelists. The woman showed that she had teeth that of a vampire and now the woman had to wait and the chosen 7 would come to her and her plan would be in action.

The sun came up and hit Jaden's eyes as he awoke from being in the nurses office because of the battle between himself and Nightshroud. After about laying in bed Syrus, Chumley, Bastion, Chazz, Alexis, and Akiza came into the room. Akiza and Alexis gave Jaden a kiss on the cheek. Chazz gave Jaden a dirty look. Jaden smiled after the kiss and then Syrus said that there was a rumor going around that a vampire was appearing at the lake near the girl's dorm.

Jaden tried to get out of bed but fell to the floor. Alexis and Akiza helped Jaden get back into his bed. Akiza said "we should play this delicately because we don't know if this vampire has any connection to the shadow riders." Chumley said "if that vampire is then this is so not cool." Chazz said "then it is time for the Chazz to take down this vampire." Zane said "lets first meet the vampire before get to defeating her or is it a guy?" Syrus said "I heard that it was a girl." Jaden said "interesting I hope that we can defeat this vampire so that we can protect the Sacred Beasts."

The day went by and everyone was talking about the vampire and the teachers had to calm everyone down by saying that they don't exist. The day was easy for Jaden because he was still hurt so he spent his day in the infirmary. As the day went by Akiza and Alexis were worried about Jaden so they both made a packed lunch for Jaden. Both Akiza and Alexis came to the infirmary and gave Jaden the packed lunches. Jaden started to eat the packed lunches and Jaden ate it like it was starving.

Alexis and Akiza smiled at the site of Jaden eating because it gave them a sense of pride that they made a good lunch for him. When lunch ended the girls went back to class. The day went by in a flash and the night have begun to take shape outside. Everyone met in Jaden/Atticus room. Atticus was still not awake from the duel that happened the other day. Jaden could sense that a dark force was on the school grounds and he wanted to help but in the shape he was in he couldn't fight his was out of a blanket.  

Jaden and the gang went to the lake and waited for the bad guy show up. Then everyone asked each other to pick one of the 7 key holders to duel this vampire. Then a red carpet appeared from the lake and the vampire appeared before them. The vampire got off the carpet and introduced herself. Camula was her name and she looked at Zane with interest. Crowler was backing away and scared himself and he jumped forward. Camula didn't want to duel him but she needed all seven to get the Sacred Beasts. 

Camula and Crowler got ready and said "duel." Crowler said "my turn, I draw. I play the continuous spell Ancient Gear Castle. Now I summon Ancient Gear Soldier in attack mode. (1300atk) Now my Ancient Gear Castle gets a counter on it and my Soldier gains 300 attack. I end my turn with a face down." Camula said "my turn, I draw. I summon Zombie Werewolf in attack mode." (1200atk) Then Ancient Gear Castle got another counter on it. Zane and Akiza looked at this and thought that this is going to be a good duel for Crowler.

Camula said "I play the field spell Vampire Kingdom. Now Zombie Werewolf attack his soldier." Crowler said "why would you have your dog attack my monster when my monster clearly has more attack points." Then his soldier was destroyed and he took 100 points of damage. (Crowler LP 3900) Crowler then felt the pain of the damage he took but he didn't believe it. Camula said "I guess by now you have realized that this duel that the damage you take is real. So still think you can still duel me." Crowler showed no sign of backing down.

Crowler was showing signs of anger but it didn't matter because Camula was playing for blood. Then Camula ended her turn. Crowler said "my turn, I draw. I activate Ancient Gear Castle's effect by sacrificing it I can summon a 1 or 2 tribute Ancient Gear monster. Now come forth Ancient Gear Golem in attack mode. (3000atk) Now attack that Werewolf. (Camula 2700) Now I will end my turn with a face down." Camula smiled as another Zombie Werewolf appeared and had 500 extra attack points. Crowler didn't like that like a zombie this Werewolf wouldn't stay dead.

Camula said "my turn, I draw. I sacrifice my Werewolf to summon Vampire Lord in attack mode. (2000atk) Now I banish my Vampire Lord to summon Vampire Genesis in attack mode. (3000atk) Now Vampire Genesis attack his Golem." Crowler said "not so fast I play Limiter Removal so my Golem is at 6000." (Camula LP 200) Camula ended her turn with a face down. Crowler was smiling as he was one attack away from winning this duel. Crowler said "my turn, I draw." Camula said "I play trap called Call of the Haunted to bring back Vampire Genesis in attack mode."

Crowler was in a bad spot and didn't have a good play to make. So he placed another Ancient Gear Soldiers in defense mode. (1300def) Crowler ended his turn. Camula then said "my turn, I draw. I activate my Genesis effect by discarding a level higher than a monster in my grave I can summon back Zombie Werewolf in attack mode. Now I play Book of Life by removing one of your monsters like your Golem I can summon Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon in attack mode (2400atk). Now Zombie Werewolf attack his soldier. Now both Genesis and Red-Eyes attack his directly.

The duel was over and Crowler was on the ground in pain after the attacks hit him. Then Camula took the spirit key and then she did something horrible. She turned Crowler into a small voodoo doll and threw it at the group. Chazz caught it even though it wasn't a great prize. Camula then turned to the group and said "I will wait for you at my home as you can see I have a castle in the middle of the lake but it only appears at night. I am awaiting you young Zane so that I can add you to my collection. Until tomorrow I will be awaiting you." And with that everyone left and was angry that Camula did what she did but everyone was awaiting tomorrows duel between the dead and the Machine King.

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