Ch 14 Dance Question

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After the duel with Bastion, Jaden was chosen to be in the school duel and everyone was happy to see Jaden be chosen. Crowler was the only one not happy but then again Crowler was never happy about anything. Jaden had a tough time thinking about the dance that he was told about by Sheppard. Jaden wanted to ask both girls but he didn't know if they both would be up for that because they both wanted him for themselves. But Yubel said that they would both share if it meant being with you because they are happier when they are around you."

Jaden then had made up his mind and was going to ask them both tonight at the lake but he needed to time to think. Jaden got to class earlier then normal and Crowler was shocked but went on about his day. Then Alexis and Akiza came in to see that Jaden was earlier then he had ever been. Jaden walked up to the two of them with Jasmine and Mindy behind them. Jaden said "Akiza, Alexis, I would like you two to meet me by the lake tonight at 9 and bring your duel disks please."

The rest of the day went by faster then card games on motorcycles. Jaden got ready for what he was about to do. At 9 Jaden snuck out the dorm and met the two girls and saw that they brought their duel disks. Alexis said "so you want to duel Jaden. All you had to ask." Jaden said "I want to duel the two of you in a 1 vs. 2 because I have a problem in my head and a duel will always solve it." Akiza said "what happens if we win?" Jaden said "then I will tell you what is going on."

The three of then started their duel disks and said "duel" Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Card Trooper in defense mode. (400def) Now I play his effect to send the top three cards to the grave and in doing that my Trooper gains 500 attack till the end of the turn. I will place two cards face down and end my turn." Akiza said "my turn, I draw. I summon Twilight Rose Knight in attack mode. (1000atk) Now his effect allows me to summon Evil Thorn in attack mode. (100atk) Now I use Evil Thorns effect to deal 300 points of damage and summon two more to take its place. (Jaden LP 3700)

Now I play Polymerization to fuse my two Thorns to fusion summon Starving Venom Fusion Dragon in attack mode. (2800atk) Now twilight attack Card Trooper." Jaden said "I play my face down Negate Attack which ends the battle faze so their you have it." Akiza said "fine I place three cards face down and end my turn." Alexis said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization as well to fuse my Blade Skater and Etoile Cyber to fusion summon Cyber Blader in attack mode. (2100atk) I now play The Warrior Returning Alive to bring back Etoile Cyber and I summon her in attack mode. (1200atk) Now attack Etoile Cyber." 

Jaden said "I play my other face down Negate Attack. I got lucky to get two in my hand but it will be a fun next turn." Alexis said "I end my turn with a face down." Jaden said "this duel is over, I draw. I play Miracle Contact to send back Neos, Dark Panther, and Grand mole. I summon Elemental Hero Nebula Neos in attack mode. (3000atk) Now for his effect which allows me to draw as many cards as you ladies control cards on the field and I count 8 so I draw 8 cards. Now I can negate Starving Venom's effects." 

Jaden smiled at all the cards he had drawn and said I play double fusion. Now I give up 500 life points to fuse Elemental Heroes Avian and Burstinatrix to summon Flame Wingman. Now I fuse him with Sparkman to summon Elemental Hero Shinning Flare Wingman in attack mode. (2500atk) (Jaden LP 3200) Now he gains 300 attack for each hero in the graveyard which I count 4 so his attack is. (3700atk) Now I play Harpies Feather Duster to destroy your back row. Flare Wingman attack Twilight Rose Knight. (Akiza LP 300) I attack Etoile Cyber with Nebula Neos." (Alexis LP 2200)

The girls thought that, that was the end of it but it was far from over. Jaden said "I play Contact out  to defuse my Neos and his effect of being removed from the field activates which removes from play all cards on the field." Akiza and Alexis watched as both their ace cards where destroyed. Then Jaden summoned the three fused cards back which where Neos, Grand Mole, and Dark Panther. Jaden then attack for game and won soundly because of Nebula Neos.

Jaden walked up to the two girl as they were in shock to see Jaden as powerful as he was with his heroes being as strong as possible. Jaden smiled at this and said "thanks for letting be test my deck a little girls even though I kind of took it one step to far." Akiza said "your bloody right you took it too far. You beat the living stuffing out of us and I think we need to punish you for you doing that to a lady don't you agree Alexis." 

Alexis nodded and the girls turned their backs to Jaden and came up with a plan to punish him. Jaden had no idea what punishment he was getting but he knew he wouldn't like it. After about two to three minutes the two girls had made their decision on Jaden's punishment. Alexis said "ok Jaden for your punishment you have to take both me and Akiza to the school dance. Which happens to be after the school duel." Akiza said "oh and one more thing you have to do in order to be off the hook. You have to give me and Alexis a good kiss at the dance to or we will have our true revenge on you. So don't mess with a woman on a mission so are we clear Jaden?"

Jaden said "ok but the kiss thing is a little weird I will say but if it gets me back in your good graces then I will make the two of you have the best dance you will ever be at. I will treat you like the most import women on this earth ok." Alexis and Akiza started to laugh but Jaden decided to leave it at that as he didn't understand women as well as he thinks he does. Yubel was in spirit form and was shaking her head and said idiot as he walked away. Yubel then thought about the dance and was going to get Jaden to be the best man that would make Alexis and Akiza head over heals for him. Yubel decided to push Jaden to be a romantic man for the next couple of weeks before the duel because Jaden needed to be perfect to win Akiza and Alexis' hearts.

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