Ch 5 Jaden Gets Help From a Friend

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The fish fry was fun and everyone had a wonderful time and Akiza joined in on the festivities. About noon people went about their Saturday as normal and Akiza decided to hang out with Jaden, Syrus, Chumley, and Bastion for the rest of the day. After about an hour of hanging out Chumley called it a day and Bastion called as he needed to study for the test and field exam set for Friday. Syrus looked at Jaden and wanted to ask a question. Syrus said "Jaden, when school is done this year do you know when the duel between you and Joey Weeler will be?" Jaden said "about early summer time so that the next duel would be next year which would be against Seto Kaiba."

Akiza looked at Jaden with interest because of what she just heard. Akiza said "is it true that you are going to duel Joey?" Jaden said "ya, it is to take place at the Kaiba dome and I can invite anyone I want to this duel even though the dome has been sold out for about two months." Akiza thought that Jaden being the King of Games would be epic and cool to see a duel between himself and Yugi. Jaden said "Akiza would you like to attend the duel at the Kaiba dome?"

Akiza looked at Jaden with shock at the question. She thought about this question that she was asked and then said that she would greatly accept the invitation. So the rest of the day went by and Akiza talked to Syrus but Syrus was afraid of Akiza because of the power she showed during the duel with Jaden. Jaden then reassured Syrus that he would protect not only Syrus but Akiza from her powers. Akiza said "I know my powers are sometimes can become overwhelming but I feel that my powers will be able to keep kept in check because I can be myself around you guys." Then they went to sleep because they needed it for the next week. 

Then the next couple days went by and it was Friday morning and Syrus was up studying but Jaden was still asleep then the alarm went off and Jaden got up and saw Syrus was still studying. Jaden said to Syrus to relax and remember that it is not the end of the world but to see what the teachers need to go more in-depth on things you don't fully grasp. Syurs smiled and they and Chumley were walking to the main building when they saw a woman pulling a car but having no success to get the car up the hill.

So being the good person Jaden was he helped the woman and Syrus and Chumley did the same and they got the car to the building with about a little time to get to class. So they ran to class to get on time. They got there in the nick of time and got ready to take the test. Jaden realized that he know all the answers easily. Syrus was having a more stressed out test taking time. But then when he remembered what he and Jaden had studied together he started to feel the flow. 

The test went by rapidly and Syrus and Jaden were resting their eyes. But to Akiza, Alexis, and Bastion it was sleeping in their eyes. Then the students heard that new cards came to the card shop and a stampede of students ran for the card shop. Jaden and Syrus awake and they saw their friends looking at them with a look that saw why are we not surprised look. Jaden got up from his chair and so did Syrus and then Jaden lead them to the card shop.

They got to the shop and Syrus asked the card shop girl if they had any new cards. But alas they were all out. Jaden then walked up to the girl and said a bunch of random numbers that had no sense to the group that was with him. Then the girl went to the back room and brought out the brief case and Jaden took it and thanked her and Jaden walked out of the shop. The rest of the group looked perplexed then made the decision to follow him. 

All of them walked up to the roof to see what was in the briefcase. Jaden pressed the password that was on the briefcase and it opened up. Syrus, Bastion, Akiza, and Alexis saw what was in the case. What they saw was astonishing, it was cards that from what they had never seen and a note on top of the cards that Jaden had in his hand now. Jaden read the note and Winged Kuriboh appeared in spirit form on Jaden's shoulder to read the letter.

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