Ch 8 Giving Syrus a Boost

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The two days till the tag duel went by like a flash. Syrus looked at his deck when he entered the arena hoping that his deck wouldn't let him down because losing would send Jaden home. Jaden was waiting and smiled that Syrus had come to the duel. Then on the other side of the arena Crowler entered the room smiling like the joker. Jaden had a feeling that this would not be a fun duel because Crowler got to pick the people that Jaden and Syrus were going to duel. Jaden looked at the stands and saw Akiza, Alexis, Bastion, and Chumley watching and hoping.

Then Chancellor Sheppard entered the arena with three guests that everyone didn't expect. It was Seto Kaiba, Yugi Muto, and Maximillion Pegasus. Everyone though that those two would be their opponent. Sheppard then addressed the crowd. Sheppard said "everyone give a warm welcome to our guests. They decided to come and see this duel first hand." Kaiba walked into the middle of the arena and said "I came to see a duel and this better be a good one. We have Jaden Yuki and Syrus Truesdale vs the Paradox brothers." Then the two brothers appeared out of nowhere.

Kaiba then said "now for the ground rules for this duel. All four duelist will have one turn then after that then you can declare attacks. Next both your and your teammate share the field, next if your teammate has no monsters on the field but you do your opponent can attack directly with a monster. Finally both tag teams start with 8000 life points. That is all I have to say now the king of games has something to say." Yugi went to the center of the arena and said "ok lets get this duel going and may the best team win."

Jaden said "get your game on." Para said "I will start things here, I draw. I summon Jirai Gumo in attack mode (2200atk). I end my turn with a face down." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Woodsmen in defense mode (2000def). I end my turn with two face downs." Dox said "my turn, I draw. I play Tribute Doll by tributing Jirai Gumo I can summon a level 7 monster from my hand as a normal summon so come to the field Suijin in attack mode (2400atk). Next I play Monster Reborn to bring back Jirai Gumo in attack mode. I will end with a face down."

Syrus said "my move, I draw. I summon Gyroid in defense mode (1000def). I will end my turn with a face down." Para said "my turn, I draw. I play Tribute doll to tribute Jirai Gumo to summon Kazejin in attack mode (2400atk). I can't attack this turn so I will end it there." Jaden said "my move, I draw. Since this is the stand by face Woodsmen's effect goes off allowing me to add a polymerization from my deck to my hand. Now I play Polymerization to fuse my Elemental Heroes Necroshade and Neos to summon Elemental Hero Escuridao in attack mode (2500atk)."

Everyone in the crowd was impressed by this new Hero. Jaden then said "my Escuridao gains 100 attack for each Elemental Hero in my graveyard. Now I play Miracle Fusion by removing my Neos and Necroshade to summon Elemental Hero The Shinning in attack mode (2600atk). Now my Shinning gains 300 attack points for each Elemental Hero that has been removed from play. I end my turn." Dox said "my turn, I draw. I summon Kaiser Sea Horse in attack mode (1700atk)."

Jaden saw this monster and knew that the next turn they would have all three pieces of the puzzle together on the field. Dox said "now Suijin attack Gyroid." Syrus said "due to my monsters effect it can't be destroyed for one attack." Dox said "Kaiser Sea Horse attack Gyroid. I end my turn with a face down." Syrus said "my turn, I draw. I summon Steamroid in attack mode (1800atk). Now Steamroid attack Kaiser Sea Horse. My monster gains 500 attack points when my monster attacks." Dox said "I reveal my trap Staunch Defender which allows me to pick anther target for your attack."

Jaden saw Syrus walk right into that trap and Jaden relized that Para has the third piece to Gate Guardian. Dox said "now your monster is going to attack Suijin." Syrus said "that's no big deal we will only lose 100 life points." Dox laughed and said "you will be losing more than just 100 life points. Suijin's effect goes off which allows him to reduces your monsters attack to 0." Syrus said "this is going to hurt." (Jaden and Syrus LP 5600). Syrus looked down on the floor and felt like he was already defeated. Syrus ended his turn.

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