Ch 24 Date Night

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School was back to normal after that all Tania thing went down but Jaden couldn't feel but he needed to do something. That thing showed right up as Alexis took Jaden's right arm and Akiza took his left and walked to class. Jaden saw that he was not giving his girlfriends enough love but he knew that he would have to set up a date night for each of them. As class started Jaden had no idea what to on a date and everyone around him has never had a girlfriend so he was at a loss.

As Jaden went to sleep Yubel appeared in his dream and said "Jaden, Jaden, Jaden what have you gotten yourself into. You know that both these girls want you but you are so in love with dueling that you can't give your girls some love." Jaden said "I don't know what to do because this is the first time I have ever been in a relationship and I want it to stick." Yubel said "I think that you need to have a nice dinner with each one of them alone and take them on a walk on the beach and then her that you want to be with both of them." 

Jaden was happy that Yubel came up with that idea and thanked her and she went back to her own world and Jaden was smiling now. Jaden's next question was with one to ask out first and that would be a big problem. Jaden looked at both girls as class was going on and he thought about it and said that Alexis would be ok not going first. Akiza is still unstable and she could use her power to hurt others if not put in check.

Jaden made it through the school week and he walked up to both Alexis and Akiza and wanted to go on a date with both of them individually. Both girls were surprised and happy to see that Jaden was making an effort in this relationship. So Akiza would get her date on Saturday and Alexis would get her date on Sunday. So school ended on Friday and Jaden went home and talked to professor Banner if he could use the Sifer dorm cafeteria for the next two nights. Banner agreed and Jaden was going to make a great dinner for both the girls.

Saturday came and Jaden got up early and was happy that his life was good. Jaden put on his best dress shirt. Then at around five o'clock Jaden went to the girl's dorm and Akiza was wait for her and she was wearing a red dress. Jaden said "you look beautiful Akiza." Akiza blushed and said that he looked good in his shirt. Jaden and Akiza walked to the Sifer dorm and Yubel encouraged Jaden to take and hold Akiza's hand. Jaden asked Akiza if they wanted to hold hands and she agreed. In Akiza's mind she was so happy that Jaden had asked her to hold hands. 

They then got to the Sifer dorm and Jaden had set up a table for the two of them and he made for the both of them a steak dinner with a salad on the side. He came from the gill and they ate and talked. Jaden said "so how long have you had your powers?" Akiza said "for as long as I can remember and it first happened when my dad was dueling and I used an effect to do burn damage and the attack was real. My parents were afraid of my and sent me here." 

Jaden said "I know how that feels. I used my powers on a friend and Yubel put him into a coma and he did recover but my parents didn't want to be duel again. After about a year I grew and was able to control my power. I couldn't ever give up dueling because it is fun and now I have new friends and I can't wait for next year." Akiza looked at Jaden and he gave her is signature smile and she knew that if Jaden stays by her side that she could get through anything.

After dinner Jaden and Akiza walked on the beach and talked. Akiza said "so do you have any tournament that you are going to be in after school gets out this summer?" Jaden said "I have two big duel's coming up and one of them is a tournament the other is to see if I am better then Joey Wheeler." Akiza said "that sounds cool I hope that I can come and watch that duel as well." Jaen said "I will make sure that you and the rest of the gang gets to watch me duel and I hope that I can give you a duel to remember."

As they walked back to the girl's dorm Jaden saw that the girls were all asleep  but before Jaden left Akiza gave him a kiss on the cheek and Jaden blushed at this and Akiza ran into the girl's dorm and Jaden walked home. Akiza was almost to her room when Alexis came out of her room and said "so how did it go?" Akiza said "it went well. We walked on the beach and I got to know him a little bit better." Alexis said "good I hope for the same tomorrow." So the both of them went to sleep and smiled in their sleep.

Jaden got up the next day and was thinking about what to make Alexis for their dinner and what to talk about on this date. Yubel encouraged Jaden to be romantic and try to have her smile a lot. Jaden got the message and went to the card shop and bought some ingredients to make dinner. At around five o'clock Jaden walked to the girl's dorm again and Jaden was wearing a nice red shirt and Alexis was wearing a blue dress. Jaden said "Alexis you look gorgeous."  

Alexis blushed at this comment and said "you look good yourself. Are you a big red fan?" Jaden said "yes I am and I am proud of it." Alexis laughed at this and they walked to the red dorm and Jaden went into the kitchen and made them both a chicken caesar salad and some fish that Jaden had caught himself. As they were eating Alexis said "so Jaden what is your plan after graduating for duel academy?" Jaden said "well because I have a brand outside of this place I can go back to dueling in the pros."  

Alexis was shocked by the answer but this was Jaden we are talking about. Jaden said "so what do you want to do when you graduate from duel academy?" Alexis said "I want to be a duel teacher and bring the next duel academy students up to the next level." Jaden was happy that Alexis knew what she wanted to do after school and he knew that Alexis had to go do more school in order to get her degree. After they ate all the food Jaden smiled and lead Alexis to the beach and they smiled as they walked down to the beach. 

As they walked Alexis asked "why did you come here if you already a pro?" Jaden said "I never got to hang out with people my own age and that bothered me. But when I learned that Seto Kaiba had a duel school and more then one of them they I had to get myself in. I wanted to duel different kinds of duelist instead of dueling the same deck." Alexis said "that sound interesting but I will be rooting for you when your next tournament come around." Jaden said "I am inviting you to come and watch the next tournament I am in is that cool."

Alexis was stunned but agreed to come and was happy that he asked her. As the day went dark Jaden walked Alexis back to her dorm and she left and Jaden went home. Alexis walked into the dorm and saw that Akiza was waiting for her. Akiza said "so how did it go?" Alexis said "it went better then I could have hoped for." Akiza said "well we both got to go on a date and he seemed to have fun so lets have fun in the summer." Akiza said "I did hear that we are going to the tournament that Jaden's in so let get our game on." Alexis and Akzia laughed and they went to bed having the best two nights of their life.

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