Ch 23 Jaden Fights for Bastion

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After about an hour or two of hearing Bastion crying out in pain he was allowed to leave the arena. Everyone was glad to see Bastion but he was in a sad look on his face. Jaden asked had happened. Bastion said that he was dumped by Tania and he was in a depressed state. The next day classes got back up and running but Jaden saw Bastion dressed as hell. Jaden thought about how to get Bastion out of this state but nothing came to mind. Then after class Jaden, Syrus, and Chumley talked to Bastion but he wasn't in the mood.

As that was happening Tania was waiting for them to come back and avenge their friend but it had not happened. After about an hour or so Jaden could see that Bastion was not over being dumped by Tania. Akiza, Alexis, Syrus, and Chazz were trying to come up with a way to get Bastion back to the way he was but nothing seem to good for him. Zane had an idea but kept it to himself. Jaden tried to talk to Bastion but he wouldn't even speak to him. Crowler walked up to Jaden and asked him to fix Bastion.

Lunch time came around and Jaden was eating with Alexis and Akiza. Akiza said that she would duel that Amazon woman but she remember that she would not duel a fellow woman. Jaden looked at his deck and back to Alexis and she said that Jaden needed to show the fun and passion that dueling bring out of people. Jaden said "Alexis how is Atticus doing?" Alexis said "he hasn't moved and spoke since we connected the shadow charm." Akiza said "it is nice to have family that love one another."

Jaden looked at Akiza and could see the hurt in her eyes. Jaden asked "what happed to you that makes you hate family?" Akiza said "because of my power my father sent me to the duel prep school and never watched or cared about me." Akiza was crying and Jaden came over and hugged her. Alexis went over and smiled at Akiza. Jaden said "my duel spirit Yubel was a problem when I was a kid and put people and a coma and I was left alone. But I never lost my spirit and put all my hope and love into my deck and it hasn't given up on me yet."

Akiza stopped crying and looked at Jaden and she saw that with all the bad Jaden had experienced he never lost heart and his passion for dueling was like a raging fire. Jaden said "it is time to put an end to this and the only way we get Bastion out of this is to duel with passion and show Bastion the greatness of dueling." Akiza and Alexis agreed and the gang gathered together and they went to the arena and prepared to free Bastion of his curse.

Tania greeted them and asked which one of them would duel her. Jaden walked forward and started his duel disk and said "get your game on." Tania said "such a powerful determination but it won't matter because I will have you next." Tania started her duel disk and the duel began. Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Neo-Spacian Dark Panther in defense mode. (500def) I end my turn with a face down." Tania said "my turn, I draw. I summon Amazoness Paladin to the field in attack mode. (1700atk) My Paladin gains 100 attack for each Amazoness on the field. (1800atk) Next I play Amazoness Charm with switches your Panther into attack mode and gains 200 attack."

Jaden looked at this and still a burning passion was in his eyes. Tania said "Now Paladin attack his Panther." (Jaden's LP 3400) Jaden said "I play my face down Neo - Signal which allows me to summon a Neo-Spacian and I pick Glow Moss in defense mode." (900def) Tania said "I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Stratos to the field in attack mode. (1800atk) When Stratos is summoned I can search for a Hero monster from my deck and add it to my hand and I add Elemental Hero Honest Neos."

Bastion started to look at Jaden and wondered what was his next move. Jaden said "I play the spell card E - Emergency Call to add a Elemental Hero from my deck to my hand. I add Elemental Hero Shadow Mist to my hand. I now play Graceful Charity which allows me to draw three cards but I must discard two. Now that Shadow Mist hits the graveyard I am allowed to add a hero monster from my deck to my hand. I add Elemental Hero Neos to my hand. I will end my turn with a face down."

Tania said "my turn, I draw. I play double summon which allows me to summon twice. I summon Amazoness Swords Woman in attack mode. (1500atk) I tribute my Swords Woman to summon Amazoness Queen to the field in attack mode. (2400atk) Now Paladin attack his Stratos." Jaden said "I activate Honest Neos effect by discarding it I can target my hero and give it 2500 extra attack." (Tania's LP 1600) But to Jaden's surprise the Paladin was still on the field. Tania said my Queen allow all Amazoness monsters to not be destroyed in battle."

Bastion was watching this duel closely and was on his toes. Tania said "I have my Queen attack your Glow Moss." Jaden said "Glow Moss's effect activates when you attack it and you draw a card and what you draw determines the effect." Tania drew a monster and the battle phase ended. Tania ended her turn. Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I tribute both my monster to summon Elemental Hero Neos in attack mode. (2500atk) I now attack your Amazoness Paladin. (Tania's LP1000) I end my turn."

Tania said "my turn, I draw. I play Rush Recklessly and give 700 attack to my Queen. I now attack your Neos with my Queen. (Jaden's LP 2800) Now I have my Paladin attack you directly. (Jaden's LP 900) I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play the spell card Miracle Contact which allows me to shuffle into the deck fusion material for a Neos fusion and I send back to the deck Neos, Glow Moss, and Dark Panther. I now summon the field Elemental Hero Chaos Neos to the field in attack mode. (3000atk) Now Chaos Neos' effect goes and his effect negates all of your monster effects for the turn." 

Jaden smiled as Chaos Neos' effect went off and Tania was in shock. Jaden then said "I now play the field spell Neo Space and now my Neos gains 500 attack. Now Neos attack Amazoness Paladin and end this duel." The attack hit and Tania had lost the duel. The gang ran over to Jaden and Bastion was smiling at this. Tania congratulated Jaden and turned into a tiger and disappeared into the forest. Jaden looked at Bastion and said "Bastion what are you in love with?" Bastion said "with dueling again and I can't thank you enough." Jaden smiled and knew that life was getting back to normal.

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