Ch 3 Dancing With Danger

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The first day of school started and Jaden was already up before the rest of the school was as he needed to be alone. Then Yubel appeared before him. Yubel said "so what do you think of this school?" Jaden said "it is nice. I can see that Kaiba spared no expense to give the students a good education but that is not what I am worried about. I can feel a presence on this island and it is one of great power but I can't quite make what this is." Yubel said "why not ask Sheppard you do have the right to know about this school but ask him another day when you are better in standings."Jaden said "I still don't like that Crowler had to put me in red but if he tries anything I will made it reflect on to him." Yubel chuckled and said "you should get ready class begin in a couple of hours so why not brush up on your skills and then take a power nap." Jaden said "I knew that you would try to get me into having good patterns but lets rest up for the first day should be fun I hope."

Then after Jaden got a little nap in he awoke and got Syrus and Chumley up for school and they went to their first class. Unfortunately for Jaden the first class of the day was Crowler's. Crowler asked some questions to the Obelisks and then Alexis had just given a very good answer on spells. Crowler then looked to make the Slifer's look bad. He knew asking Jaden would be pointless but then his eyes fell on Syrus. He asked him what a field spell does. Syrus panicked and gave an inadequate answer. Crowler then laughed and made fun of Syrus for not even knowing what a field spell is.

Jaden then said "you know teach you shouldn't make fun of the red dorm after all I believe Seto Kaiba made it clear he will not tolerate people who bully others. I want to make this clear teach, if you pick on one red then I will personal deal with you and we will have a nice long talk with Kaiba ok." Crowler said "why you little brat. You think that I am making fun when I am letting them know of what the real world is about." Jaden said "Crowler just teach for now I will have a talk with Sheppard after class and then we will have our scene but I would like to learn now."

So class went on and Alexis was impressed that Jaden not only stood up for Syrus but for the whole red dorm. The next class was Banner's and that was a rather calm class. Then a little after class ended it was lunch time and Jaden made his way around to see other area's of the school he missed. Crowler on the other hand had written a love note to Jaden and tried to make it look like it was from Alexis. Crowler slipped it into what he assumed as his locker but was wrong. Jaden made a call from outside on the rooftop and he made it quick. He then went back down stairs and then prepared for gym. When Syrus got to his locker he found the love letter and was beyond happy. Later Syrus got to his room and got ready to leave at the time the note said so.

Meanwhile Jaden was walking back to the dorm and had a bad feeling that Crowler was going to do something that would me him angry. Jaden got into the dorm and then noticed that Syrus was missing. Syrus then got to the lake and rowed his way to the Obelisk blue girl's dorm. The closest room to the lake was the bath house for the girls. Inside the bath were Alexis and two of her friends. They were having a discussion about the events of earlier today. Jasmine said "can you believe that Jaden kid talking back to Crowler today." Mindy said "ya he was just being a pain and I bet he just lucked out on the Crowler duel. What do you think Alexis?"Alexis was not paying attention and thinking about Jaden and how he was that good of a duelist. Then Mindy said "Alexis, Alexis, Alexis are you listening." Alexis said "kind of. I want to test Jaden so we can see if he is as good as we think he is." Jasmine said "sure but we need to find a way to pin him down and make him duel like his life is on the line but without the life part." Mindy said "I agree but how will we get this plan into action?"

Syrus showed up and the three girls got robes on and somehow caught him. They then decided that the best way to test Jaden was to get him to come to them and get him into a duel between him and Alexis. So they sent Jaden a message and he agreed to come to the girl's dorms lake. Jaden rowed out to the lake with his deck and then Alexis and her friends threatened to get both Syrus and Jaden expelled. So Jaden came to the girl's dorm rowing his boat and got to where the three girls were and Syrus.

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