Ch 2 Chazz Being a Pain

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The plan landed and the students got off the plane and then were given their assigned dorm by there jackets and it shocked Syrus that Jaden was in red with him. Bastion was in Yellow and Alexis was in blue. The students then went into the main arena where they were greeted by the staff and the chancellor Sheppard. He spoke about the school and how it will give them the opportunity to become great duelists. Jaden and Syrus made their way to their new dorm and room. It turned out that they were going to be roommates and Syrus was pleased by this.

They went to the dorm and Syrus had some negative feedback on the dorm but Jaden said that the view was good and not to mention that he had seen worse but didn't complain. They entered their new room and turned the lights on and there was a triple bunk beds but then a person on the top greeted them. He was angry and wanted the lights off but Jaden greeted him and then the boy said his name was Chumley and that the most important thing on the island other than have a good deck was the color system.

Jaden and Syrus left and Syrus was taking the color thing hard. Jaden told him that if he improves his skills it sounds like they reward him. They then got to the main building and Syrus was impressed by it. Jaden said "this place is cool but not only am I going to have a great year here but can I let you in on a little secret Syrus." Syrus said "sure, what is it?" Jaden said "I have a duel in the Kaiba dome after our first year here and the best part is I am dueling one of the top 5 in the world."

Syrus said "cool, but do you know who you are dueling though?" Jaden said "I do. I will be taking on Joey Wheeler to see who gets to duel the next best on the top five. I beat number 4 about two or three months ago so moving up was easy but do you know why they are doing this?" Syrus said "why?" Jaden said "Kaiba wants to prove that he is number 1 but I really can't think of anyone other than myself that would hold his own against Yugi and I have my own god card."

Syrus looked at him with a puzzled look on his face. Yubel then appeared and said "you really think that I am as powerful and worthy of being a god?" Jaden said "you are my friend and favorite card if I had to pick between the three god and you to summon to win a duel I would pick you in a heartbeat." Yubel smiled and disappeared back into his extra deck were only she was kept. Jaden then looked back and Syrus and saw that he was still confused by Jaden's words earlier.

Jaden the said "Syrus I will show off my card in the next duel so lets go to the main arena so we a can show off this card for you ok." Syrus said "sweet I would like that." So they made it to the arena and didn't see many people around and then two blue students came through and pushed Syrus to the ground. One of the blues said "hey get out of the way slifer slime." The other laughed at this. Jaden then helped Syrus up and then addressed the two boys. 

Jaden said "so you pick on people who are weaker than you are you think because you are blue students that you get very thing you want?" One of the two blues said "we got into this school because of grades and top dueling talent. You got in here out of pure luck." Jaden said "was it luck that I got when I beat Crowler." Then one of the blues got a boy in the stands attention. He came down and made some bad remarks about Jaden. The boy introduced himself as Chazz Princeton. Then the two boys said that he was going to be the next king of games. 

Jaden laughed at that and thought it was cute that he could beat Yugi. Then one of the boys said why he found that funny. Jaden said "the only way you can even get a duel with Yuki is if you beat the top 5 duelist in the world which are. An unknown number 5 Mai Valentine or soon to be Wheeler then it is Joey Wheeler at 3 Seto Kaiba at 2 and Yugi as your final opponent." Chazz said "I could beat all of them with a handicap and it still would be a walk in the park."

Jaden just looked at him and laughed. Chazz said "what's so funny." Syrus said "Jaden has a duel with Joey after school is out this year so he has beaten the number 5 and 4 already so three more to go and he is the king of games." Chazz said "no way." Chazz's face looked one of complete rage and then he had to open his mouth again. Chazz said "I challenge you to a duel Jaden and while were at it we can throw in our best cards so the loser get the others best card." Jaden said "ok but I am not holding anything back."

Then Alexis and Zane appeared and then from the top of the stands Akiza was eating her lunch alone and was intrigued by this duel. Both Chazz and Jaden started their duel disks and said "duel." Chazz said "winners first I draw. I summon Reborn Zombie to the field in defense mode (1600def). I play one card face down and end my turn your move slacker." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerization to fuse my Bursinatrix and Avian to summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman in attack mode (2100atk)."

Chazz said "I play my face down Chthonian Polymer, my sacrificing my monster I get your monster in return so now Flame Wingman is mine" Jaden said "good you took my bait. I thought you would take my monster so I now summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman and because he is the only card on the field for me I get to draw two more cards. Next I play Pot of Greed to draw another two cards. Now I play another Polymerization to fuse my Bubbleman Sparkman and Avian to summon Elemental Hero Tempest in attack mode (2800atk). I play one card face down and play Card of Sanctity so we draw till we have 6 cards in our hands."

Chazz said "thanks for the help I got a card that could take down that tempest." Jaden smiled and said I play De-Fusion to defuse my Tempest. Next I play Double Summon so I can summon another monster. Now I sacrifice my Sparkman and Avian to summon the power of Yubel in attack mode (0atk)" Yubel appeared and looked at the field and saw Flame Wingman and saw who she the opponent was so she smiled at this. Chazz laughed and said "what a waist and I thought you were a pathetic duelist before and you made yourself look even worse." Jaden ended his turn by sacrificing Bubbleman to keep Yubel on the field."

Chazz said "my turn, I draw. I Summon Chthonian Soldier to the field in attack mode (1200atk). Now I play one card face down and attack your Yubel with Flame Wingman." The attack hit Yubel but it didn't destroy her and Jaden's life points didn't go down. Chazz said "hey your life points should go down now and your monster should be destroyed." Jaden said "my Yubel has some cool abilities and they are that she can't be destroyed in battle and if I were to take damage from her being attack it is reduced to zero but you take the damage I would have."

Yubel appeared in front of Chazz and hit him and he felt it. Chazz just shook it off and ended his turn. Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Clayman to the field and I play one card face down and end my turn. Now I give up Clayman to keep Yubel on the field. Your move Chazz." Chazz said "my turn, I draw." Jaden said "I play my trap Battle Mania so now all your cards on the field are forced into attack position and have attack this turn." Chazz watched as his monsters attacked and he lost the duel."

Jaden was greeted by Alexis, Syrus, and Zane with good game and that his style of play was unmatched my most. They then went to their dinner parties. The blues were great and yellows was very good to but most thought that reds was not so good. Jaden was smiling and so was Syrus but the looming threat of darkness was upon them and Jaden had to protect this school along with his friends. 

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