Ch 4 The Black Rose

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About a week after Jaden and Alexis had their duel the class had gotten back to normal school week. Jaden and Syrus were walking from class to go back to the Slifer dorm when they saw some Obelisk boys cornering and saying very negative things to an Obelisk girl by herself. Jaden being the hero that he is rushed over to intervene. Jaden could hear the boys saying that she was ugly and didn't belong in the blue dorm. Jaden came up to the boys and told them to leave her alone. The boys decided that not speaking to Jaden and leaving was the best action.

Jaden then looked at the girl which was the same girl that he saw go into the game shop back home. She was the one that used that Black Rose Dragon in the duel to get into DA. Jaden said "are you ok?" Akiza said "I'm fine just leave me alone." Jaden said "I can see that what the boys said to you upset you but you got to calm down and try to make the best out of each day." Akiza looked at Jaden and shook her head and walked away without saying a word."

After the last class of the day Jaden asked if Bastion and Syrus wanted to go fishing because it was Friday and they had no school tomorrow. They both agreed to have some fun before the weekend. So Jaden meet both of them down by the shore near some rocks that were in medium deep water and a good area for fishing. They brought some nets to keep the fish they caught and thought about talking to Banner or Sartyr to do a fish fry on Saturday for both the Ra students and the Slifer students. As the afternoon wore on they had caught a great deal of fish mostly from Jaden but they had all caught some fish.

Bastion then suggested that they take it to Sartyr because he was the master chief on the island. So they went to the Yellow dorm talked with Sartyr and agreed because it would be a great way to get classmates to know one another better and have great meal as well. It was getting dark and Jaden and Syrus were leaving but Bastion wanted to tag along to have a little chat with the two of them before hitting the hay. Then they heard a cry of pain coming from the forest.

Jaden, Bastion, and Syrus sprinted to the cries for help and stumbled upon one of the Obelisk boys from earlier. He looked like he had been attack with purple fire then Jaden looked forward and saw a person wearing a mask and a cloak. Jaden pulled out his duel disk and put his other deck into the deck holder and started it. The masked person started their duel disk as well. It felt like the area the went from scorching hot to ice cold in about two point five seconds and Bastion and Syrus could feel it.

Jaden said "get your game on." The masked person said "I will go first. My turn, I draw. I summon Evil Thorn to the field in attack mode (100atk)." Jaden looked at the card and thought why would they summon a monster with low attack. But sure enough he got his answer. The Masked person said "I activate my Evil Thorn's ability by destroying it you take 300 points of damage and I get to summon two more of my Evil Thorns from my deck but their ability is negated. Now that I have two dark monsters on my field I play Polymerization to fusion by to plants to summon Starving Venom Fusion Dragon to the field in attack mode (2800atk)."

Jaden looked at the dragon with intrigue and was impressed with how the masked person was able to summon Starving Venom with two cards. The masked person placed two cards face down and ended their turn. Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Graceful Charity to draw three cards but I must discard two. Next I Play O-Oversoul which allows me to summon a normal Elemental Hero from my graveyard. I bring back from the Grave Elemental Hero Neos in attack mode (2500atk)."

The Masked person said "impressive but my Starving Venom is still stronger." Jaden said "I wouldn't be so sure of that. I now summon Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab in attack mode (500atk). I now play the Field spell known as Neo Space Now my Neos gets a five hundred point boost. But I am not done yet I contact fuse my Flare Scarab and my Neos, which go back to my deck and not my grave. I fusion summon Elemental Hero Flare Neos in attack mode (2500atk)." The masked person looked stunned by the contact fusion.

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