Ch 10 Duel Spirit on the Rise

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For the next could of weeks went by and nothing really eventful happened other than Chazz leaving but that didn't Change DA. If anything it made DA better because they had to deal with one less rich jerk. The days went by and then Winter break had come and most of DA students left the campus to be with family. Jaden, Syrus, Chumley, and Akiza were almost all that were left on the island. Jaden had invited Akiza to come and say with them for the break becasue he hoped she wouldn't feel alone around this time of year.

Akiza accepted the offer and after the first day they were in the lunch room at dark rosting marshmallows with Professor Banner watching while petting Pharaoh the cat. Then a student was racing to the lunch room screaming help. Then he crashed into the room busting open the door before trying to open it. The five people in the room ran over to the student and checked to see if he was ok. Banner recognized the student as Torrey a student that was in his class about duel spirits. Banner asked if he was ok but Torrey said that him and two of his friends tried to make contact with a spirit.

Torrey then got into better position to talk. He then said that they had made contact with a spirit and where told that the spirit needed three of something to come to life. We thought three monster cards would do it but then my two friends disappeared. Now the spirit was after him to complete the deal. Then the lights went out and the spirit took Torrey and disappeared. Jaden then asked Yubel to track the spirit down. Jaden then ran with his duel disk and everyone else grabbed theirs and ran after Jaden. They then were led to the power grid system.

Jaden saw Torrey's body near the back side of the grid system. Then a lightning strike hit the system and a duel spirit appeared. The Duel spirit laughed and appeared to be Jinzo. Jaden tried to take a step forward but Jinzo used his energy to attack Jaden. Jaden them dodged it but didn't know what to do. Jinzo then looked at Jaden and the rest of the group and had an idea that would be prefect of him. Jinzo said "I have a little deal for you boy."

Jaden looked at Jinzo and had a bad feeling about it but if he could save Torrey and his friends he would do anything. Jinzo continued to say "how about a duel with you and that girl over there. The two other souls where to weak and really I only got one soul out of the two boys. But I sense that you and that girl have a strong soul so I will rip it from your body and become a physical entity. I challenge both you and that girl to a duel. You win you get the two souls I took but I win I get both of your souls."

Jaden walked forward and started his duel disk. Akiza also walked forward and started her duel disk. Jaden looked at Akiza and said "duel." Jinzo said "I will go first." His cards materialized in front of him and drew his next card. Jinzo said "I summon Malice Doll of Demise to the field in attack mode (1600atk). Next I play Graceful Charity to draw three card but I must discard two. I play my continuous spell card Ectoplasmer. I end my turn with a face down."

Jaden was wanting to take the next move but Ectoplasmer went off which Jinzo had to sacrifice his doll and he inflicted 800 points of damage to both Jaden and Akiza. (Jaden's LP 3200, Akiza's LP 3200) Akiza said "my turn, I draw. I summon to the field Lord Poison in attack mode (1500atk). Now attack Jinzo directly." Jinzo said "I play my face down Draining Shield which negates your attack and I gain life points equal to your monsters attack. (Jinzo's LP 5500) Akiza said "I end my turn with two face downs. Now Ectoplasmer activates and I have to sacrifice my Lord Poison to deal you some damage." (Jinzo's LP 4750)

Jaden said "It my turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Stratos in attack mode (1800atk). Now his effect allows me to add one Elemental Hero from my deck and add it to my hand. So I choose Elemental Hero Neos. Now Stratos attack Jinzo directly. (Jinzo's LP 2950) Now I end my turn with a face down. Now Ectoplasmer activiates and I tribute Stratos so now you take another 900 points of damage." (Jinzo's LP 2050)

Jinzo said "my turn, I draw. Now my Malice Doll of Demise returns to the field in attack mode again. Now I sacrifice him to summon me (2400atk). Now I play Double Cyclone by destroying my Extoplasmer I can destroy one of your face downs. I choose Jaden's face down. Now I will attack you directly Jaden. (Jaden's LP 800) I play Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two cards. I play two cards face down and then I play Card of Sanctity which allows all of us to draw till we all have six cards in our hands. I play Amplifier which I equip to myself and end my turn." 

Akiza said "my turn, I draw. I summon Twilight Rose Knight in attack mode (1000atk). Now my knight's special ability so summon a level four or below plant type.  I now summon Botanical Lion in attack mode (1600atk). Now I tune my level three Twilight Rose Knight with my level four Botanical Lion. I Synchro summon Black Rose Dragon in attack mode (2400atk)." Jinzo said "I play my face down Breakthrough Skill to negate your monsters effect till the end of the turn." Akiza said "fine I end my turn, it is all up to you Jaden made him pay."

Jaden said "will do. I draw. I play Fake Hero to summon Elemental Hero Neos in attack mode (2500atk). Akiza mind if I barrow your dragon?" Akiza said "go for it." Jaden said "I play Polymerization to fuse my Elemental Hero Neos with Black Rose Dragon. Let my friendship soar to new heights as I merge my heart with Akiza's. I summon Elemental Hero Rose Neos in attack mode (2800atk)." This new Hero descended from the sky with the full force of Black Rose Dragon and the power of Neos. This new hero looked like Neos but had black scales that of the Black Rose Dragon along with it's wings. The body was still that of Neos.

Akiza marveled at this new creature and wondered if her dragon could become stronger with Jaden then why can't she. Jaden said "ok my Rose Neos has a cool ability if I send a hero to my graveyard from the hand then I destroy all of your monsters. But I can't attack this turn I use that effect. But if I send a plant type then I destroy all your spell and traps but then I can't set any cards after the effect. But if I send an Elemental Hero that is a plant type then your whole field is destroyed and I can attack even if I use that effect."

Jaden smiled and said "I send Elemental Hero Knospe to the grave to activate Rose Neos effect." Rose Neos took to the sky and raise his wings and a whirlwind of black pedals hit each of Jinzo's cards and destroyed them. Jaden said "Rose Neos attack Jinzo directly and end this duel." Jinzo's life points had been reduced to zero and then the two boys that had been taken by Jinzo returned next to there friend.

They were then taken to the nurses office and looked at but the small group didn't stay around for long they all made their ways back to the red dorm. Jaden said to go ahead with out them for a moment and they let him be. Jaden walked over to the cliffs and looked out over the ocean and felt the ocean breeze hit his face. Jaden then pulled out one card from his deck and looked at it. It was Elemental Hero Rose Neos. When the two monsters fused Jaden could feel the pain that the dragon was in because the dragon was linked to Akzia.

Jaden then heard footsteps coming towards him and he turned around. He saw Akiza coming towards and she had a sad look on her face. Akiza saw the card Jaden was holding in his hand and knew he was thinking the same thing she was. Akiza got to the cliffs and the said "Jaden I can tell that you felt it to when our two monsters fused didn't you?" Jaden said "yes, I felt a great deal of pain and I felt like I know your pain." Akiza said "I felt your pain as well."

Jaden approached Akiza and she backed up a little bit but not as fast as Jaden was. Jaden gave a warm hug to Akiza. Akiza didn't know what to do or say but took the hug and embraced Jaden as well. Jaden then whispered into Akiza's ear "I will walk down this road of pain with you. I won't give up on you because like it or not we are friends." Akiza's eyes began to water and Jaden looked her in the eyes and wiped away the tears. Akiza then face planted into Jaden's chest so that he couldn't see her smile. Akiza had just realized for the first time in her life she knew what it was like to have a friend.  

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