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Harry, 17, has curly shoulder length hair, green eyes, and tattoos. He goes to high school and is pretty much a good kid. He's gay and very open about it. People don't really care. He loves cats and still lives with his parents (because he is only 17).

Louis, 19, has short fluffy hair, blue eyes, and tattoos. He graduated high school last year. He smokes cigarettes. He was always labeled as 'rebellious'. He's gay but not really open about it. He doesn't want people to judge him. He lives by himself in an apartment.

When these two opposite boys cross paths, something happens.


guyssssss. i am DETERMINED to finish this book. i have a great idea for what should happen and everything! so i am going to try my hardest to keep it updated regularly! the first real chapter will be up tomorrow! (bc it's late rn) butttt yeah. hope you'll like this!! (i think i'll love it). byeeee!
lots of love, skinnielove

updated a/n: i just realized i put "green hairs" instead of "green eyes" so imma fix that. if you read it before i apologize lol. i'm laughing at myself rn.

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