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"Bye guys!" Louis says as everyone leaves.

"Bye!" I add in. Soon, everyone is out the door. Niall took home two pieces of cake but we weren't worried about it.

"So what now?" Louis smirks, looking at me.

"We can finish where we left off." I wink. But then burst out laughing because I know I can't wink.

"What's so funny, babe?" Louis says as he sits close to me on the couch I was sitting on.

"I can't wink." I say between laughs.

"I think you can wink pretty well." He says as he looks at. I stop laughing and look back at him.

"You're so beautiful." I say as I take my right hand and stroke his face. Then go to his hair.

"You're the beautifuler one." He states as he pecks my lips.

"Don't do that. Kiss me." I say. He does what I say and kisses me passionately. It's turns into a heated make out session quick.

His tongue moves across my bottom lip and I gladly grant his access. We start french kissing as he picks me up to where my legs are wrapped around him. Still kissing, he takes us to his bedroom. He sets me on the bed, not breaking the kiss.

I lay down and now he's on top of me. He slips his hand under my shirt, feeling my body. His cold hands feeling good against my hot skin. His hand trails down my stomach and it gives my shivers. When at my waistband, he pulls away from the kiss. His lips are slightly puffy and red, but he looks really hot.

"Is this okay?" He asks. I shake my head yes and he smiles, continuing to kiss me. He hand fiddled with my jeans until they're unbuttoned and I help slide them off. I then take my shirt off and help him take his off. He gets off of me and takes his jeans off as well as get something from a drawer. He turns back and I can see that it was lube and a condom.

"Have you ever..?" He asks trailing off. I shake my head no. I've never had sex before.

"Are you sure about this then?" he asks. I get on my knees on the bed to where it's like I'm standing but I'm not. I motion him towards me and he comes.

"I'm 100% sure about this." I bite my lip and kiss him.

"Okay love." He says as he sets things on the nightstand next to us so they'd be in reach.

He gets back on the bed, on top of me. We continue from our make out session but this time involved a little grinding. His hand starts trailing down my stomach towards my boxers. Again, leaving me in chills. He tugs at my boxers and I slip out of them. He smiles into the kiss as he takes his off, as well. He pulls back to take sight of what was me.

"Damn Harry, you're not a small one are you?" He grins looking at my dick.

I blush and try to hide my face.

"No, no. Babe. Don't hide that pretty face of yours," He says making me look at him and pecks my lips. We kiss a few times before he gets the lube and condom from the table.

"You ready?" He asks. I nod and bite my lip. He gets ready putting lube on his fingers first.

"You sure?" He asks again.

"100%." I reply.

*skipping the smut part, (i'm not good at writing it lol) but you can imagine it (make it as steamy as you want)*

We're both left panting at he falls beside me on the bed.

"I love you." He says as he cuddles me.

"I love you more." I say, snuggling into his side, quickly falling asleep.


seventeenth chapter!! hope you enjoy! thank you so much for the reads! and sorry for not writing smut, i'm not good at it like at all lol. but anyways i hope you like this chapter! next one will be up soon!
lots of love

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