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•Three Months Later•

I've fallen in love with Louis more and more these past months. I don't know what it is about him. Something just draws me in. He's like a magnetic field and my heart is being drug to him. Just everything about him makes me love him. I wouldn't never thought I'd like the smell of vanilla and cigarette smoke until I met Louis. He makes my life better. He makes me happy. He makes my world complete. I don't know what I'd do without him now.

I look over towards him. He was sitting beside me on his phone. He must've seen something funny because he threw his head back laughing and it was just the cutest sight I've ever seen.

"What's so funny?" I ask as I scoot closer to him and look over to his phone.

"It's this rainbow frog dancing filter thing on snapchat. It's hilarious." He says chuckling. I can't help but smile big as he shows me what made him smile.

"You're so adorable." I say. He stops laughing and looks at me.

"You're adorable too. No, you're more hot." He smirks and he leans in and kisses me.

It turns into a heated make out session quick. His hand under my shirt when we heard a knock. He pulls away.

"Shit." He breathes out. "I'll get it." He says slightly annoyed as he pecks my lips before he gets up and walks over to the door.

"Fellas! What's up?" I hear Louis say from the front door. Must be the guys.

"The sky." I hear Niall say as he laughs at his own joke. I can literally feel he eye rolls. They all walk into the living and see me.

"Hey Harry! I knew you'd be here. You two have been inseparable." Niall says.

"That's what couples do Niall." Louis says as he sits next to me as the other boys find a place to sit.

"Couple? Like boyfriend and boyfriend?" I ask Louis looking in his eyes. He looks in mine.

"Yeah boyfriend and boyfriend."

"So were like official now?" I ask with a smile.

"Yes baby, we're official." He takes my hand and kisses the back of it. 'Aww's' go around the room. My face heats up.

"Zayn, how's Perrie?" I ask trying to get the attention off of us.

"No you ain't getting off the hook that quick, mister. You two are official! We gotta celebrate!" He jumps up and walks to the door. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go get a cake and ice cream." He says as he walks out the door.

"He's something else." Liam says, shaking my head. He was holding Niall's hand which led me to ask this.

"How are you two doing?" I ask looking at them.

"We're doing good. We have our ups and downs but that's every relationship. We get through 'em though. That's what counts." Liam says.

"Aww. I love you two together. You go so well together." I say.

"I agree." Louis says, smiling.

"Thank you." Liam and Niall say in sync. They turn and look at each other with smiles as they kiss. It was a short lovable kiss.

"Do y'all wanna watch some Netflix while we wait for Zayn to come back?" Louis asks. We all nod our heads as he puts Riverdale on. Now, we just wait for Zayn.


hey guys!! the fifteenth chapter!! i hope you enjoy!! sorry it's kinda short and sorry for the wait! school has taken up my time and i just forget things easily lol but i try! thank you so so much for 460 reads!! it's means so much to me! i'll try to update soon! i don't know how many chapters this will have but i'll figure it out soon ish i hope. but enjoy this chapter!
lots of love

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