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We turn our heads when we hear the door open and in walks Zayn with a cake and a tub of ice cream. We hear a female voice behind him and see Mrs. Edwards, or Perrie. I ask myself why she's here then I remember that Perrie and Zayn are dating.

"I'm back guys! And I have cake!" Zayn yells as he walks in the kitchen to set the stuff down. We all stand up and follow. Perrie's beside Zayn when we walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Perrie, how's it going?" Louis asks.

"It's going good, how are y'all?" She smiles and motions between Louis and I. Louis smiles in my direction and I return the favor.

"We're good." Louis asks.

"Really good." I murmur. Louis hears and smiles as he pecks my lips.

"That's great. I'm happy for you two." Perrie says smiling.

"Okay, okay! Enough chitchat! It's cake AND ice cream!" Zayn says as he gets paper plates out of the cabinet along with spoons and forks. We all get a piece of cake and three scoops of ice cream. Niall got five because he said he was hungry. When is he not hungry.

"No no, remember when we had a class together and you mooned the teacher so she kicked you out!" Zayn laughs out. Louis swings his head back laughing.

"Oh god, that was a great day!" Louis rubs a tear that came out of his eye from laughing to hard.

"You mooned a teacher?" I aka giggling, imagining Louis pulling his pants down in front of a teacher.

"She was pissing me off, telling me I couldn't go to the restroom. Jokes on her." He laughs.

"You're crazy." I say. He nods.

"About you." He leans in and kisses my lip softly.

"Guys! No PDA please." Liam says.

"Oh shut it Liam. We all know you wanna smog off Niall's face right now." Louis says as he sits up straight looking towards Liam and Niall. They're both blushing at what Louis said.

"Anyways," Zayn awkwardly says, "Netflix? I've been dying to watch American Horror Story. Everyone says it's good."

"Yeah I'm up for it. I've seen a couple episodes and it's pretty good to me." I say. Everyone else agrees and that's how we ended up watching American Horror Story. Niall being cuddled up with Liam, Perrie cuddled up with Zayn, and me, cuddled up with the love of my life, Louis.


I honestly don't know where I'm going with this book. I want to do a big plot twist soon, but I'm still working on what it should be. But the sixteenth chapter!! I hope you like it!! Next will will be up soon!! And thank you so so much for almost 500 reads!! I'm so happy because I thought this book was gonna be a dead one but nope you guys actually like it, I think. But thank you again and again!
lots of love

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