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I walk out of the school building with Niall and Liam behind me and stop dead in my tracks. Niall and Liam bump into me.

"Oi mate." Niall grumbles. I ignore him and just look at the pretty sight that's next to my car.

Louis. Louis was leaning against my car, smoking a cigarette. He was wearing black skinnies, a black muscle tee, and a beanie with his plain white converse. He sees me staring and smiles huge, taking another puff of the cigarette. He starts walking my way. By this time Niall and Liam have went to Liam's car.

"Hey babe." Louis says and my heart jumps.

"H-Hey." I say as he takes my hand and we start walking to my car. He takes one last puff and throws the cigarette on the ground and stomp on it. I get in the drivers seat and he gets in the passenger side.

"So where we off too?" he asks looking at me.

"I dunno. Where do you wanna go?" I say buckling my seatbelt and starting the car.

"My place?" He asks buckling his seatbelt.

"I guess, yeah." I start driving to his place.

_______at louis'_______

"You're so beautiful." Louis breathes on my face as he says that. We just got done with a heated make out session. Yes it's a little early, but it feels right.

Suddenly, a knock is heard. Louis huffs in annoyance and gets up. I just watch him walk to the door. He opens it and quickly closes it, a ghostly look on his face.

"It's looks like you've seen a ghost. What's wrong?" I ask as I walk to him and hug him.

"It's just my ex is at the door. I haven't seen her in a long time." He sighs.

"Her?" I mentally slap myself from asking.

"Yeah," he nods, "I dated her my sophomore year. Before I knew I was gay. She fell hard for me and hasn't left me alone since. That's why I moved out here. I used to live in Doncaster, but then she got too much. But now she's found me." He looks scared.

"Babe? It's alright. She can't be that bad." I pull him from the door and go to open it.

"No!" He yells and tries to stop me. I yank his arm and scowl at him.

"I'm opening the door." I say with a glare and I open the door. To be met with a slap across my face.

"What the fuck?" I yell. I notice she's brunette with waist length hair and she has a sunflower dress on.

"Oh are you is 'boyfriend'?" She puts air quotes around the word 'boyfriend'. I just clear my throat.

"You shouldn't be here. It's not your place and you're not welcomed." I say strongly. She rolls her eyes.

"Um excuse me...." She looks at me.

"Harry." I state.

"Excuse me, Harry, but my ex boyfriend lives here and I need to see him." She crosses her arm and puts on a bitch face.

"Well excuse me miss...."


"Well excuse me miss Eleanor, but this is mine and my husbands place. He is really gay and he's never had an ex that was a female." I say.

"You're too young to have a husband." She scoffs. "And I know Louis' here." She tries to look beside me. I block her view.

"I know I look young, sweetie. But I'm 23 years old. And my husband is 24 years old. And did you say Louis?" I ask with a confused look. She nods. "I'm sorry miss, but I don't know of a "Louis". My husbands name is Felix and now, please, leave so we can get back to our evening." I say with a smile.

"Oh and," I pause and spit in her face, "That's for slapping me, bitch." I slam the door in her face. I turn around to try to see Louis but he's gone.

"Louis?" I yell whisper as she might still be in the hallway. Suddenly arms pull me into the bedroom. Lips connected to mine. After a second they pull away.

"That was amazing babe. I didn't know you could act so well." Louis asks.

"Well, I have many talents." I say smiling.

"Indeed you do." he smiles.


Holy shit guys! 300 reads! What?! Thank you so so much! Please vote/comment/share if you'd like. and so sorry for the long wait, i had writers block for a while. but here's the thirteenth chapter! i hope you enjoy! lots of love, skinnielove

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