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"So what happened with you and Liam?" I ask Niall when he gets in my car. "Did you use protection?" I wiggle my eyebrows as I start the drive to school. Niall rolls his eyes at me.

"We didn't do any of that. We just kissed and talked about him." Niall says.

"What about him?" I ask. What can I say, I'm a nosey person.

"Um he's Liam Payne." Is all Niall said. I look at him but then quickly look back at the road.

"What? The Liam Payne who slept with Mrs. Pinnock?!" I ask, turning into the schools parking lot.

"Yeah. Technically." He sighs.

"I knew he looked familiar! I just didn't say anything." I say as I park in a parking spot.

"Sure you did. But he didn't sleep with her. She just gave him a blowjob. But he didn't say yes or no when she done it. He just let it happen." Niall states when we get out of the car. We start walking into the school building.

"Oh my gosh. I still can't believe." I say and Niall looks at me.

"He's a good guy. He likes me. Please don't say anything that could ruin this. I'm happy." He pleads.

"I won't, Niall. I'm not that kind of person." I say as we get to my locker. I get my books and we head to Niall's locker.

"Okay thank you." he says. I see Liam walking towards us.

"No problem. Someone wants you." I point in Liam's direction. Niall whips his head around and smiles big. When Liam is actually next to Niall, he pulls him into a big hug. I pretend to gag. Niall glares at me.

"Hey I didn't do that when you were lovey dovey with Louis!" He points out. I just shrug my shoulders as we all walk to English.

"Speaking of Louis, how'd you two meet?" Liam asks looking at me.

"Oh we met at Starbucks." I simply say. Liam nods his head in understanding. We sit down and listen to Mrs. Edwards talk. About halfway through the lesson, we hear a knock on the open door. All head swing in that direction. It was Zayn.

"I'm sorry to disrupt you class, honey. But you left your lunch at the apartment." He says and sets a paper bag down on Mrs. Edwards desk. He looks up and see Liam. Then me and Niall.

"Oh hey guys! I didn't know you taught my friends." He says to Mrs. Edwards.

"Didn't come up." She says. "Now go on! I'm trying to teach!" She says shooing him away. He puts his hands up in defense.

"Okay. Okay. I'm going. Bye love." he says and kisses her on the cheek. "Bye guys." he waves at us and we all wave back.

"Okay, now that he's gone. Open your books to page 284." Mrs. Edwards says and the class groans.


it's short i know! it's a filler chapter. just something to post! but chapter twelve! i hope you like!! leave a vote and comment if you want. it'd be appreciated! and we got one 200 reads! that's incredible! much, much appreciated! anyway, next chapter up soon! lots of love skinnielove

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