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(a/n: this chapter is dedicated to @larrymate thank you so much for the votes and comments!)

I wake up on the living room floor. I quickly look around.

Wait. Why am I here? Oh yeah, my mum. Where is she?

I stand up and call out, "Mum!" After no response, I walk up the stairs to her room. I slowly open the door to see her sleeping in her bed. I quietly close the door. Feeling relieved, I walk to my room and get my phone. I notice I had multiple texts from Louis.

Oh yay! you texted back!
Harry? You there?
I guess you're asleep?
Alright, goodnight handsome xx

I smile at his texts. I decide to text him back saying that I had to take care of something with my mum. He understood, which was a relief. I went to the bathroom to do my everyday routine.

I decided to get dressed to go to Starbucks. I got my blue skinny jeans, a black long sleeve, my beanie, along with my black combat boots. I head out to my car after leaving a note for my mum.

"What would you like today, sir?" The barista asks, when I get up to the counter.

"I'll take a Caramel Frappe, thank you." I say, handing her the money when she says the total.

"What's your name?" she asks.

"Harry." She nods.

"Your drink will be ready in a minute." I walk to an empty table and sit, waiting for my name to called. Finally it does.

"Harry!" The barista calls out. I quickly get up and grab my drink, saying thank you and heading out to my car. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I get it out after getting in the car. It was two texts from Louis.

Are you doing anything today?
Harry, are you at Starbucks?

I texted him back saying that I was and how'd he knew that. It didn't take long for him to text back.

I seen your car and your curly hair, and I knew it was you. I'm gonna come say hi.

As soon as I was about to send something back, he shows up beside my car on the passenger side.

"Can I get in?" He asks. I nod my head and he opens the door and sits in the passenger seat.

"So do you wanna do something?" I ask, taking a drink of my frappe.

"Whatever you want. I just randomly came and basically invited myself." Louis says looking at me. He has on white jeans, a grey muscle tank which shows off his biceps, along with his black sneakers and a black snapback that says SAVAGE on it.

"Well, I guess your hat is true then?" I chuckle as I start my car. He laughs. I don't know where I'm driving to, but that's the best kind of driving right?

"Um, do you wanna ask questions about each other?" Louis suggests.

"Sure why not." I smile, looking at him for a split second, then focusing my eyes back on the road.

"What's your favorite color?" he asks.

"Very simple question. Um I'd have to say purple."

"Mines blue." He grins.

We continue this until I pull into a field. I have no idea why a field. But we'll make the most of it. Louis seems like a fun guy. Let's see.


chapter 5!! hope you like!! next chapter will be up soon!

what do think of louis just popping up at starbucks?

them being at a field? (stupid i know)

later! lots of love, skinnielove.

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