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"Um. Im Harry." I say.

"Harry. I like that name."

"T-Thanks. I like Louis."

"Thanks. By the way, when I said you were gorgeous. I was just stating facts. I wasn't flirting or anything." His blue eyes blazing into me.

Great, a cute guy and he's not gay.

"You're gay?" He asks.

Shit did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did." He laughs. I blush. "Thanks for calling me cute."

"There's not a point in it." I say grumpily.

"Listen," He gets closer, "I just said I wasn't flirting because I assumed you were straight. But I was flirting. I'm gay also. But don't tell anyone."

"I have no one to tell." I promise.

"Thank you," He leans back, "So do you wanna go out sometime?" Hell yeah.

"Yeah sure. Give me your phone and I'll put my number in so you can text me." He nods and hands me his iPhone. It was already unlocked so I went to contacts and made my contact.

I put my name as Harry🙈. I check the time before I had his phone back. It said 9:34pm.

"Shit. I gotta get home. My mom will have a conniption fit." I say as I stand up. He also stands.

"Well, let me walk you out."

We both walk out, into the night air, to my car.

"It was nice meeting you, Harry." Louis says, winking.

"It was nice meeting you too, Louis." I say as I get in my car and start it up. We wave bye to each other and I pull off driving home.


"Harry Edward Styles!" I hear when I open the front door. "Where have you been?" My mum asks.

"I was just at Starbucks. I helped Niall get ready for a date then I went there." I say heading up stairs, but she stops me.

"Do you know what time it is?!" She yells.

"Mum. It's not even 10 o'clock yet."

"I don't wanna hear your mouth. Go to your room." She says. I go to my room and shut my door.

"Whats her problem?" I ask myself.

I kick off my shoes and hope on my bed. I scroll down social media. Looking at articles about bands, gossip between girls, and of course random hot guys.

I get a text from an unknown number.

Hey Curly, it's Louis xx

My face instantly lights up. My lips curl into a smile. I decide to text him back. When I hit send, I start hearing yelling.

"You never do anything around the house! You're never home anymore!" I hear my mum scream.

"Don't scream at me!" Robin, my stepdad, yells.

"You go out and do lord knows what! You leave me here! To do everything! I'm only one person Robin! I need help around the house!"

"Get that gay son of yours to help!" Ouch.

"Don't. Don't call him my "gay son"." My mum says.

"Why? He is gay! You raised a gay teenager! A gay boy! An abomination! A disgrace!"

I hear a slap. Then another. Then another. Then glass breaking and a door slamming. Then the quiet cries of my mum. I hear my phone go off but I ignore it and go downstairs to comfort my mum. I see her sitting on the floor with a red cheek. I go to her side and hug her.

"Shh. It's gonna be alright." I say as I kiss her forehead. We stay like that for a few hours.


woah!! double update!! chapter four!!hope you enjoy!!

so whatcha think so far? harry and louis? harry's mum acting weird? robin and anne fighting?

next chapter up soon!! see ya!!
lots of love skinnielove

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