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"I don't want to go to school tomorrow." I say with a pouty face.

"I'm sorry love. You gotta get your education though." Louis says as we're driving back to my house so he could drop me off. I don't want him to.

"Shit, you haven't met my mom." I suddenly remember.

"I don't have to meet her today. I can stay in the car." He offers.

"No, no. You can meet her. I just don't know how she'll act. But I'm sure she'll love you, because I love you." I lean over from my seat to his to peck his cheek. He smiles.

"I hope so. I like this." He says while grabbing my hand.

"So do I." I smile.


We pull into my driveway and get out of the car. We walk up to my front door and I open it, leading us both in.

"Harry? Is that you?" I hear my mum ask.

"No, mum, it's a psychopath." I say sarcastically. Louis nudges my side and mouths 'be nice'.

"I'm in the kitchen!" My mum calls.

"I have someone with me I'd like you to meet." I say as we walk into the kitchen. I stop dead in my tracks making Louis bump into my back.

"Babe, why'd you stop?" He whispers in my ear.

I stay looking at the sight in front of me. Robin. Sitting at the kitchen table while my mum's cooking something. He's looking dead at me, too.

"Oh, hi! Who might you be?" my mum asks as she stirs something in a pot.

"I'm Louis, Mrs. Cox." Louis politely says.

"Please call me Anne." My mum smiles. Completely ignoring the fact that I'm just standing there.

"Why is he here?" I say sternly.

"Harry be nice to your stepfather." My mum glares at me.

"No. Why is he here?" I ask again. She looks at the stove. "Mother. Why the hell is he here?" I raise my voice.

"Shut up Harold." Robin says.

"It's Harry." I state, not even looking at him. I turn to look at Louis who just looks confused.

"Who's this Harry?" Robin asks.

"No one. Mum can I speak to you in my room please." I say looking at my mum. She nods and tells Robin she'll be back. I drag Louis to my room, because I wasn't gonna leave him in there with him.

Once in my room, I tell him to sit on my bed and he does as told. My mum stands in the doorway looking at me.

"I'm sorry Harry. I wasn't expecting him to be back here. Especially after what happened. But he just showed up and I'm weak. I couldn't say no. I know what he said about you. I wasn't expecting you to show up with what I'm assuming your boyfriend. I'm sorry Harry." my mum says with tears forming in her eyes.

"It's alright mum. But I'm not sleeping under this roof if he's here." I say.

"I understand that. Could you stay with Louis or Niall?" She asks.

"You'll let him stay and kick me out? I see how it is. I'll call Niall and if I can't," I turn to Louis, "Could I stay with you, babe?" I ask.

"Of course." He answers.

"Again, I'm so sorry Hazzabear." She hugs me. I hug her back for the sake of me not being back for a while probably.

"It's alright I guess." I say. She walks back down and I start packing a suitcase.

"Um, so, what was that about?" Louis whispers. I look up at him. "It's okay if you don't wanna tell me." He adds. I walk over to him and sit beside him.

"No it's okay. He called me an abomination, a fag,  everything like that and he hit my mum. So I kind of really, really hate him." I say.

"I'm so sorry, love. You're not any of those. You're perfect." He says, kissing my temple.

"Thank you babe." I smile as I get up to continue packing my suitcase.

"I want that gay bastard out of my house Anne!" I hear Robin yell and look at Louis. 'I'm sorry' I mouth. I wasn't expecting him to start his mouth but I should've known.

"Please don't call him that, Robin." I hear my mom say.

"Go tell him to get out of my house with his gay faggot, or I will!" He yells at my mum. I hear someone walking up the stairs and figure it's my mum. I turn to face the doorway. I was wrong.


Nineteenth chapter! I hope you like!
Cliffhanger ooooh.
So what do you think will happen?
Next chapter will be up soon!
Lots of love

Cigarette Smoke.|| LarryStylinson(au)Where stories live. Discover now