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I wake up in Louis' bed. I guess I must've fallen asleep. I grab my phone and check the time. 7:56pm. I rub my eyes and sit up. I walk into Louis' kitchen to try to find him. I see him sitting at his kitchen table on his phone. He looks up and smiles.

"You're awake sleepyhead." I walk over and sit next to him and yawn.

"I'm still tired though." I giggle. He slightly rolls his eyes in a playful way.

"Do you want something to eat?" he asks me. I nod my head.

"Do you wanna go out or fix something here?" he asks.

"Something here so we can cuddle and watch Netflix." I say.

"Alright. I'll fix a pizza and you can go get comfy on the couch and pick what you wanna watch." He says, getting up. I nod and walk into the living room. I sit on the couch with my knees propped up to my chest. I grab the remote and switch on Netflix. I go through the shows and movies until I find Zootopia.

Yes it's like a kid movie. No I don't care. And yes, we're gonna watch it. I don't press play until Louis gets done with the pizza. He walks into the living with two plates, each with two pieces of pizza on them.

"What'd you pick?" he asks.

"Zootopia." I reply.

"Never seen it." he says taking a bit of his pizza as I press play.

"You'll love it." I say smiling and focus on the tv and pizza.


After the movie goes off, Louis' having troubles keeping his eyes open.

"Are you tired?" I ask quietly.

"Mhm." He replies as he lays down on my lap. I allow him to lay down and nap on my lap. Soon enough, I find myself drifting off to sleep.


I wake up to my alarm going off from my phone. I groan quietly and grab my phone to cut the alarm off.

It was an alarm for school but I decided not to go. I shoot my mum a text since I didn't last night telling her. Hopefully she won't be pissed.

I look down at Louis' sleeping body on the couch. He looks so peaceful and so cute. I can't help but smile when I see him. I start messing with his hair. He starts to move and I pull my hand away.

"No don't stop." He murmurs. So I don't. I put my hand back in his hair. He smiles and it makes my heart jump.

Fuck Harry, you've fallen for him.


chapter fourteen!! i hope you like!! sorry for the long wait i got busy with school then i couldn't think of anything to write and i know this is shitty i'm sorry. i'll try to update soon!
lots of love skinnielove

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