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I wake up on a couch in an unfamiliar place. I sit up and look around. I don't see anyone. I slowly get up and walk away. I hear voices coming from the kitchen. I make my way towards them. I see Louis and Niall attempting to make food. But more like making a mess.

"I wish Harry was awake," Niall says. "He's a boss when it comes to cooking." His hands covered with dough. Louis looks up from mixing something in a bowl, and notices me.

"Oh hey sleepyhead." Louis says as Niall jolts his head up.

"Thank god you're up! Can you help us please?" Niall asks with pleading eyes, trying to get the dough off his hands.

"Sure," I walk over to the sink to wash my hands, "What are we making?" I ask as I dry my hands off and make my way towards Niall.

"We were trying to make homemade pizza." Louis answers my question. I try not to laugh.

"It looks like more of a mess than a pizza." I chuckle.

"It looks like more of a mess than a pizza." Louis and Niall both mock me. I glare at them both. I help them make the pizza and we put it in the oven.

"Man who knew homemade pizza would taste this good." Niall groans as he takes another bite.

"Niall, you say everything tastes good." I laugh as I take a bite of my pizza. I look over to Louis and he's on his phone while taking a bite of his. He suddenly looks up at us.

"Guys, my friends Zayn and Liam are gonna stop by here. Is that okay?" he asks looking for approval.

"It's your apartment." I shrug and take another bite. We look over to Niall and he just shrugs, stuffing his face with pizza.

"Okay." Louis says while smiling.


We were washing dishes up when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Louis says as he wipes he sets down a bowl he had.

"Hey!" I hear two men say.

"Hey guys! How ya doing?" Louis asks.

"I'm doing okay." One of them says.

"I'm doing good." The other says. They walk into the kitchen to where Niall and I were putting away dishes.

"Guys, this is Liam and Zayn." Louis says pointing to them then turning to them, "And you guys, this is Niall and Harry." Louis says pointing to us. We all wave to each other.

"So you're Harry?" Zayn asks. I nod. "Louis' been saying so much about you." I blush at his remark. I look at Louis who was also blushing.

"No I haven't! You liar!" Louis tries to convince everyone, but he sadly fails. We all laugh.

Soon enough, we all find ourselves sitting in Louis' living room floor, playing truth or dare. That's always fun right? The circle went me, Louis, Liam, Zayn, And Niall on the other side of me.

"Hmm. Let's see." Niall scans our faces, trying to find someone to ask. "Liam." He smiles. Hmm.

"Yes Niall?" Liam says looking straight at Niall.

"Truth or dare?" Niall asks with a smirk. What's that about? I guess we'll find out.

"Dare." Liam smirks back. Oh lord. What's Niall gonna do?

"I dare you," Niall looks around then back at Liam, "To kiss me." The whole room gasps. Except for Niall and Liam. Liam crawls over to Niall and slowly presses his lips to Niall's. We all gasp, again. They pull away and Liam sits in his original spot and just asks another person a question. Like nothing happened. I'm definitely asking Niall about this later.

I thought he liked Luke! What happened to Luke? Niall I need answers! I say in my mind.

"Louis, truth or dare?" Liam asks Louis.

"Hmm. Let's do truth." Louis smiles as Liam groans.

"That's no fun and you know it, Tommo." Zayn says. Louis just shrugs.

"Is it true that," Liam looks between me and Louis. "Is it true that you like Harry? More than a friend?" Liam raised an eyebrow. I look over to Louis who has rosy cheeks. I start getting them myself.

"Uh, uh." Louis stutters.

"Do you?" Liam asks getting his Louis face. Louis try's to hold back a laugh but fails.

"Yes! I do! There! Are you happy?" Louis laughs as he talks to Liam.

"Aw, look at Hazza! His face is so red!" Niall laughs. I punch his shoulder playfully. Louis then looks at me.

"Harry?" I look up at him. "Truth or dare?" I want to pick truth, but if he asks if I like him. I don't want to answer that in front of everyone. But the dare might be embarrassing. Oh well.

"Dare." I say, hesitantly. Louis smirks and looks at my eyes, then my lips, then back up to my eyes. I do the same.

"I dare you to kiss me." Louis breathes out. My eyes widen a little at what he just said. The other boys staring at us.

"W-What?" I gasp out.

"I dare you," he scoots closer and puts a hand on my thigh, "To kiss me." He licks his lips. I slowly lean forward as he does the same, and our lips meet. While puts lips move in sync, I feel sparks flying. I could faintly hear the boys cheering but I was just focused on that I was kissing Louis! A guy I only met a few days ago! And I already feel sparks!

We kiss for a few more seconds before we pull away. Louis looks me in the eye.

"That was amazing." he breathes out and smiles.

"Yeah, it is." I slowly say, remembering his lips on mine. I lick my lips as I look around. The boys had the biggest grins on their faces. I look back to Louis and he was still looking at me. I look at each other for a solid 5 seconds until Niall says something.

"I'm hungry." he whines. I bust out laughing."

"You're always hungry." I say in between laughs. He fake pouts.

"Aw, I'm sorry Nialler." I say, smiling. Suddenly remembering I need to ask him. "Let's go to the kitchen, I need to ask you something anyways. We'll be back boys." I say looking at the guys. They all nod and start talking. I drag Niall to the kitchen.

"What the fuck? Why are you dragging me?" He asks. When I let go, he starts looking for something to eat.

"What was that?" I ask him.

"What was what?" he asks confused.

"You kissed Liam! What about Luke?" I ask him looking him in the eye.

"Oh shit. Luke! I completely forgot about him! I'm such a horrible person!" I could see tears forming in his eyes. I instantly hug him.

"No it's okay, Niall. You're not a horrible person. But why did you dare Liam to kiss you?" I quietly ask.

"I don't know. It was like a spur of the moment. I just- I think I like him, Harry. He's really cute and he kissed me! So that means something right?" He asks, wiping his eyes.

"I don't know. You have to ask him. But what about Luke?" I say.

"I don't know." He trails off. "I have to tell him. I'll text him later." I nod as he sighs and grabs one of Louis' granola bars. We walk back into the living room with smiles plastered on our faces.


The ninth chapter! Thank you for over 100 reads! Wow 100 already. Thank you so very much! Anywho, I hope you like this chapter! It's a little longer than the others. Chapter ten will be up soon! lots of love, skinnielove

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