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"So why are we at a field?" Louis asks, looking at me.

"I don't know. You seemed fun so I thought you could come up with something we could do." I shyly say, looking at the ground. I walk further from my car and sit on the grass. He comes and sits next to me. I couldn't help but look at him, his piercing blue eyes. I notice him looking at me kind of weird.

"Uh, sorry. You're eyes are so beautiful." I say, mentally face-palming myself. "Ugh. I'm sorry. I'm awkward." I apologize.

"No it's fine," he chuckles, "You're green eyes are gorgeous." He says looking in my eyes as I grin and look down.

"Awe someone's blushing." he teases.

"No! I'm a man. Men don't blush." I say unconvincingly. He just looks at me then we both bust out laughing.

"Okay, okay. For real though, you're cute." He says with a smirk.

"I think I'm cute too." I say and his smirk turns into a scoff.

"Well someone's cocky today, aren't they?" He huffs.

"I'm just kidding Louis. I think you're cute too." I say laughing.

"Okay that's better." He says, relieved.

"You know what's weird?" I ask. He hums, looking at me.

"We only met yesterday, but I feel so comfortable around you." I confess.

"Honestly, I feel the same. It's weird, ya know?" I nod. "Like, I've never been this way with a person so soon before like this. I like it." He smiles.

"I like it too. Like we're automatically best friends. Like we were destined to be best friends or something." I say.

"Or something?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Not yet at least. I mean we just met!" I say laughing as he pouts.

"Oh come on, you know you're hot." He smirks as I say this.

"Speaking of hot. I actually know a place we could go. Could I borrow your car so I can drive us there?" he asks. I look at him weirdly.

"Hell no. Just tell me the directions." I say as I get up, wiping off my bum. He does the same.

"Fine." he huffs. We go back to my car and I take a drink of my frappe that I left in here. I start the car and start driving, listening to Louis as he gives me directions.

We end up at the lake thing. I guess people swim here?

I park my car and get out while Louis gets out too. We walk up until we were close to the water.

"Why here?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Why not? It's kind of hot out. Let's go for a swim." He smiles.

"We don't have bathing suits." I point out.

"Underwear is basically the same thing, right?" He says as he strips to his underwear. All I can say is his body is amazing. Not an over the top six pack, but you could still tell he works out. He was just-


"I know I am." He then poses in the most stupid way.

"I didn't mean to say that out loud." I mentally face palm.

"It's okay, curly. Just strip and get in." He says as he jumps in the water. I strip from my clothes and put them next to his. I walk closer to the water and look at Louis already in just floating. I decide to just go for it and jump in.

"Holy shit! This water is cold!" I yell as my body hits the water. Louis just laughs.

"It always is! Haven't you swam here before?"


"You suck."

He continues to laugh as I shiver. Suddenly, I feel water being splashed on me. I look and see an innocent looking Louis.

"Lou, what the fuck?!" I yell.

"Hmm, 'Lou'. I like it." He says. I roll my eyes and splash him back. Of course it didn't phase him any. We just spend an hour or two in the water. Just talking and floating. The cold water got warmer as I stayed in there. So I stayed in with Louis.


Sixth chapter!!! Ahhh! Oh, and double update. You're welcome? To whoever is reading this. If y'all were thinking some kissing or smut was gonna happen, shame on you. Nah i'm just kidding. i expect that from books that mention fields to. Sometimes. Okay anywho.

Thoughts on them? (not much to think about. okay i'm dumb)

anywayssss next chapter up soon! peace! skinnielove.

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