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I'm awaken from my phone ringing. I groan and squint my eyes, trying to see my phone screen.

Incoming Call: Niall👱🏼🇨🇮

Fucking Niall. I hit the answer button and sleepily say, "Hello."

"Oh shit. Did I wake you?" He asks.

"No. Not at all." I reply sarcastically.

"Okay good." He was so oblivious. "I need help."

"With what?" I groan and sit up with my back again my headboard.

"This date with Luke. I don't know what to wear." He says worriedly.

"Niall. Calm down. Isn't the date not until tonight?"

"Yes but still. I wanna be absolutely ready. And hot." I can sense the grin on his face.

I sigh, "Okay. Want me to come over?"

"Yes please."

"Okay let me get ready. Be there in a few."

"Okay. Bye." he says drawing out the 'e'.

I do my usual morning rountine and threw on some joggers and a white tee, along with my black converse. I walk out the door to my car and drive to Niall's.

"Come on in, Harry!" Mrs. Horan says as she opens the door, after I knock.

"Thank you, Mrs. Horan." I politely say.

"Niall's up in his room, making a mess might I say." She laughs and I join in.

"Maybe I can help him straighten up." I head up to Niall's room. When I open the door, I couldn't believe my eyes. Clothes. Everywhere.

"Niall! What the hell?!" I get his attention which was focused on a blue tee or a black tee.

"What? I can't figure out what to wear." He walks to me, "Help me." He says sadly while grabbing my hand.

"I'll help. But you gotta clean this before you leave." I say.

"Fine mother." He laughs.


After what seems like hours. We finally figured out an outfit for Niall to wear on this date.

A simple black tee with skinnies and his white nikes. Simple, but effective.

I decided to go to Starbucks after Niall left with Luke. I ordered a Mocha Frappe with extra whipped cream.

As I was sat at a small table this guy comes up to me.

"Is this seat taken?" he asks.

I look up and notice blue eyes. The bluest of blues. It feels like you could get lost looking into them. His hair was the perfect kind of messy. His biceps peeking out from his grey tee. His tattoos showing on his arms. His skinnies cuffed at the ankle and paired with black toms. And his smell. Like vanilla and cigarette smoke. I never knew I'd like that smell. He was holding a cup of coffee.

"Uh, uh, um." Fuck Harry speak. "Um no it's not." I finally spit it.

"Nice." he says as he sits. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you here sitting alone?" he looks at me with those blue eyes.

"Um my friend went on a date so I decided to just come here." I say, playing with the straw of my drink.

"You look like the type of guy that'd get a lot of dates." Was that a compliment?

"Um. Not really. No one likes me."

"You seem pretty chill. And you're gorgeous. So I can't see why anyone wouldn't like you." He says. I look down.

"Oh and by the way," I look up to meet those blue eyes again. "I'm Louis."


ahhhhhhh they met! and harry was putting himself down aw. but anywho! third chapter! hope you like!! next one up soon! byeee!
lots of love skinnielove

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