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"Get the fuck out of my house!" Robin yells from my doorway.

"I'm packing my things. As soon as I'm done, I'll be gone. For good." I sternly say. Robin looks at Louis, who was sitting on my bed.

"Get out of my house!" He barks and Louis flinches.

"He'll be leaving when I leave. Go in the living room and we'll be out when we get out." I say, trying to stay calm.

"No. I want that gay son of a bitch out now." He starts walking towards Louis, who looks terrified. I step between the gap of him and Louis and stare at him.

"You're not going to do anything to him. Get the fuck out of my room and we'll be out when I get all of my shit together. I've said that three mother-fucking times." I say, putting my hand behind my back to touch Louis to make sure that he knows it'll be okay.

Turns out, Robin seen my hand and turned red in the face. Without hesitation, he punched me straight in the jaw, causing me to fall to the floor.

"Fuck." I hiss.

I slowly stand back up and look at Louis.

"Go." I say. "Go to my mum." He starts to stand and walk to the door when Robin tries to grab him. I instantly grab Robins arm and make him face me. Our faces are two inches away.

"This is between you and me. Leave him out of it." I say through gritted teeth. He smirks in an evil way. He steps back with his arm out.

"You've never acted like this Harry. Finally acting like a man. Is it cause of him? Did that little gay faggot make you more of a man?" He gets closer to me. "Thought he'd make you into a little twink."

That comment is the one that made my blood boil. Next thing I knew, I punched him. Straight in the nose.

That's how we got into a fist fight on the floor. Hearing my mum yell my name. Yelling for Robin to stop. Yelling into the phone, I'm guessing she called the police or ambulance or whatever.

The last punch he threw, made me black out. I don't remember anything except my mum yelling at Robin. I can't help but wonder where Louis was.


I open my eyes and see bright, white lights. I groan as the lights hurt my eyes, causing me to shut them immediately.

After I get use to the lights, I look around and see Louis sitting in the chair beside me. He has scratches on his face and neck.

"Hey." I say sounding groggy.

"Hey babe." He smiles as he sees me. "I'm happy you're up."

"What happened to your face?" I ask slowly.

"After I seen what he did to you, I couldn't help myself. I stayed out in the hallway and heard everything, after you told me to go. I couldn't leave you. I punched him. A lot of times. He grabbed my face and neck and made scratches. He looks worse though." He chuckles. I smile.

"You don't have to protect me. l can take care of myself, you know."

"I know. But you're my baby." He leans in and kisses my forehead.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you more." He smiles.


This is short and sucky. I'm sorry. The next chapter will be up soon hopefully.
lots of love

Cigarette Smoke.|| LarryStylinson(au)Where stories live. Discover now