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We all decided to watch a movie. I was sat next to Louis. Niall on the other side with Liam next to him and Zayn on the other side of Louis, who was currently smoking a cigarette. Halfway thought the movie, I look over to Niall and see hat he's on his phone. I guess he was texting Luke. I look away for a split second and when I look back, Niall has a tear going down his face. He suddenly gets up and heads to, I'm guessing, the bathroom.

"I'll be back." I whisper to Louis. He nods as I get up and make my way to Niall. The bathroom door was locked so I knock lightly on the door.

"Niall. It's me. Open up please." I say quietly. I hear the door unlock and I open it to find a sad Niall. I walk in and close the door behind me, making sure I lock it as well. I go over to where Niall was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, and sit with him and put an arm around him.

"Niall, what happened?" I say as I rub his back.

"L-Luke." He stutters.

"What about him? What did he say?" I ask. He doesn't say anything, he just hands me his phone which was already on the messages between him and Luke. I silently read the conversation.

Hey Luke. I need to tell you something..

Go ahead Niall. Oh and btw I had a great time with you the other day. We need to do it again soon! xx

About that.. I kissed someone else and I like him.. I'm sorry..

What the fuck Niall?! I thought you liked me!

I do! But my feelings for him are stronger..

No. Fuck you Niall Horan. Rot in hell.


No. fuck you! bye!

I look up, grasping the phone. I suddenly want to punch, kick, whatever Luke. He deserves it.

I look over to Niall who is silently crying. Trying to hide he fact that he is crying. I quickly put his phone down and pull him into a bear hug.

"Don't listen to that asshole, Niall. He didn't deserve you anyway. Hang out with Liam and be happy." I say, rubbing his back. He sniffles and sighs.

"I know. But that really hurt what he said." He pulls away and looks at me.

"I know, Nialler. But he's nothing. He shouldn't have said that. Now wipe your eyes and go have fun with Liam!" I say as I stand up and put my hand out for him to grasp even though he didn't need it. He walks over to the sink and grabs a piece of toilet paper and wipes his eyes with it. When he throws that away, he looks in the mirror and sighs. He picks his phone up, then turns to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you Harry. For everything." He whispers.

"You're welcome." I say as we both head back to the living room. We take our original seats.

"Is everything okay?" I hear Liam say. I turn my head towards them.

Niall nods. "Everything is now." He lays his head on Liam's chest and I smile at the sight. I turn back to Louis who was already looking at me. He didn't have his cigarette, so I'm guessing he put it out.

"Why are you looking at me?" I ask, grabbing his hand to play with his fingers.

"You're so beautiful." He says quietly. I smile and blush. I try to hide my face but he puts both hands on my cheeks and makes me look at him.

"Don't hide your beautiful face, darling." He whispers as he comes closer to my face. I can feel his breath on my lips as he gets closer and closer. He smells like vanilla and smoke. I lean in and close the gap between.

It was just a simple, but passionate kiss. It lasted for only a few seconds. But I loved every bit of it.


Tenth chapter!! Hope you like!! Vote and comment please! It'd be much appreciated<3
Next chapter up soon! lots of love, skinnielove

updated a/n: shiiiiitttt i forgot that liam slept with the teacher lmaoo how could i forget that? okay let's just pretend that niall forgot and he'll remember and ask liam bout it next chapter kay?

(another updates a/n: i keep forgetting things about this story. i need to remember lol. but i forgot louis was suppose to be a smoker so i added smoking in this chapter! hopefully i'll remember! byeeeeeee)

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