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The other boys left. Niall left with Liam and when I told him to use protection, he glared at me and told me to 'fuck off'. Zayn left saying he had to go to his girlfriends place. So that just left me and Louis.

"So, um, what now?" Louis asks, shutting off the tv since the movie was over with.

"Whatever you wanna do. I don't really care." I tell him. He then looks at me and smirks.

"Whatever I wanna do?" He asks, looking me in the eye. I cautiously nod my head. He scoots closer and closer to me, until our faces are an inch away. He quickly closes the gap and kisses me softly.

__Niall's POV__(a/n: i have to do his lol)

Liam and I went back to his place and we were kissing on his couch. I break the kiss.

"Do you go to my school?" I ask looking up at him since he was hovering over me. He looked oddly familiar, but I'm really bad at remembering people except for Harry, since he was my best friend.

"You go to this towns high school right?" He asks sitting up, doing the same. I nod my head.

"Then yes. I do." He says.

"What's your last name? Maybe I've heard it." I ask him while getting a drink of a water I got when I first got here.

"I'm sure you have. My last names Payne. Liam Payne." My eyes go big when he says his name.

"Y-You're Liam Payne?" I ask, stuttering. He nods.

"You're the guy that slept with Mrs. Pinnock?" I ask, still shocked.

"You see, that's where people are wrong. I didn't sleep with her. She just gave me a blowjob. I didn't even like her. She just pulled me into the janitors closet and starting kissing me. I mean yeah, she's hot and she was older. What else was suppose to happen?" I look at him, slightly confused, "I ended up getting a little problem," he looks down at his pants, "Down there. She noticed and said "let me take care of that". I didn't say yes, but I didn't say no either. I just let her do it. But I didn't sleep with her. I would never sleep with a teacher." He finishes.

"Why did you kiss me?" I ask him. 

"What?" he asks.

"You're straight. You kissed a female teacher. I'm a boy. Why'd you kiss me?" I say breathlessly. He pulls me closer and pecks me on the lips.

"I'm bisexual, Niall. I kissed you because you're hot and cute and adorable." he says.

"So you didn't sleep with her?" I ask.

"No, I didn't." He says, assuringly.

"Okay. Everyone thinks you did." I point out. He sighs.

"I know. But you know the truth." I nod and we continue kissing. Needlessly to say, it was great.


Eleventh chapter!! hope you like! We're at 181 reads! that's so close to 200! please comment and vote, if you want, but it'd be much appreciated! next chapter will be up soon!! lots of love, skinnielove (next chapter will be in Harry's POV)

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