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I wake up on Louis' chest. I smile as I feel his chest slightly go up and down. I sit up and wince. I make a face and try to figure out what's wrong. Then I remember last night. I smile at the memory. I slowly stand up and go to the bathroom to take a shower. Slowly but surely, I make it in the bathroom. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

I look up at the mirror, after closing the door, and gasp. I seriously have sex hair. I slightly laugh at myself because I look horrible. I slowly walk into the shower, not having to take off my clothes because they were already off. I cut the water on to warm and let it cascade down my body. I wash myself and step out getting a towel to dry off with. Putting the towel around my waist, I walk back into Louis' bedroom. Again, slowly but surely making it in there.

I look up and see Louis looking at me.

"Are you hurting?" He says quietly, looking at me.

"A little, but nothing I can't handle." I smile at him.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. I walk over to him.

"Louis. Don't be sorry. Last nigh was amazing." I look at his eyes. "I loved every part of it." Bending down to peck his lips. "Alright?" I ask, taking his hand in mine.

"Okay." He says looking at me.

"You look cute with sex hair." I say smiling.

"You look hot in just a towel. I think it's hanging a little low." He smiles as he kisses my stomach, since I was standing in front of him.

"I can make it a lot lower, if you'd like." I smirk. His eyes brighten up. "But you gotta go take a shower so go." I say getting him up off the bed and pushing him towards the bathroom.

"You're not fun." He pouts.

"That's not what you were saying last night." I say, smirking.

"Ha funny." He glares at me. "You can put a pair of my sweats on if ya want." He points to his dresser signaling that his sweats were in there. I slowly walk over there once Louis shuts the bathroom door. I open the second drawer and find some sweats. I choose some black and white adidas ones. Looking in the first drawer for some boxers, I find a plain black pair among a's white and blue pairs. I slip the boxers and sweat on and go to the living room to sit and wait for Louis. I decide to get on my phone since I haven't checked it in like two days. Not that I have much of a life anyways. Like I figured not much notifications. I sigh and set my phone on the coffee table and wait for Louis.

Soon enough, he walks out of bedroom in grey adidas sweats.

"You took my favorite pair of sweats." He says laughing, sitting next to me.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"Nah babe. It's fine. My clothes are your clothes." He smiles kissing my forehead. I smile at the simple gesture.

"Netflix?" He asks. I nod. He cuts on a show that we both agreed on but I'm too focused on his beauty to watch it. He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I love him.

"I love you." I say. Realizing what I said, my eyes instantly go big. He looks at me. "I'm so sorry, it just slipped out. I-I" I stutter.

"Harry. Babe. Calm down. It's okay. I love you, also." He kisses my lips.

"Really?" I ask after the kiss, looking at his eyes. He looks back at mine.

"Really." He says. We both smile and focus on the telly. Even though my minds on him.


eighteenth chapter!! hope you like!! i thought it was a cute chapter but idk. i just hope you like it. change of plans, this book might only have 20-25 chapters. i'm not sure yet. I'm trying to figure out a way i could end it. i don't know. just don't expect anything from me just yet lol. but next chapter will be up soon!
lots of love

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