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"Is Niall here?" Liam asks. He has bags under his eyes and he just looks god awful.

"Why do you want to know? Didn't you cheat?" I put my resting bitch face on. Liam looks over my shoulder to Niall. Liam looks like he's pleading Niall.

"Harry, give him a break. Like I said, he was drunk." Niall says.

"That's no excuse Niall." I say, trying to stay calm.

"He's right Niall. It's not an excuse. I'm really, really sorry. I had too much to drink and i didn't have control over what I was doing. I want you Niall. I love you." Liam looks Niall in the eye. I look over to Niall whose on the verge of crying. Then I look at Louis, whose motioning me to come to him so I do, and we watch the scene in front of us.

"Yeah you heard right. I love you Niall James Horan. You're my soulmate. You're the one made for me. I can't imagine life without you. You're the only one I want to kiss, snuggle with, and have sex with for the rest of my life. I want to get married with you one day. Have kids with you one day. I love you. So much." Liam now has teary eyes but so does Niall.

"I love you, Liam. So much." Niall says hugging Liam.

"Forgive me, please." Liam whispers.

"I forgive you." They both look at me.

"Fine I forgive you, but if it happens again-." I get cut off.

"It won't happen again, Harry. I promise." Liam says.

"You two lovebirds go have fun." Louis says.

"But not too much fun." I give them a glare. They chuckle and walk out of Louis' apartment.

"Well that was, um, something." Louis says.

"Yeah. Netflix?" I ask. He nods.

"And chill?" He giggles.

"I'm in love with a dork." I say, shaking my head and laughing.

We turn on the tv and pull up Netflix. We choose the movie "GBF" it's a 2013 film, but it's still a good movie. We were laughing the whole time. At the movie and at each other. It was just overall a fun time.

And I fell in love with Louis more, watching him laugh at the funny parts of the movie. The way his eye crinkle and his lips curl into a smile. He's just so perfect. And he's all mine. I smile at the thought as I continue watching the movie with Louis.


twenty third chapter!! hope you like!! next one will be up soon!! it might be ending soon!!
sorry for the wait but it's up!! leave me feedback if you like!
lots of love,

Cigarette Smoke.|| LarryStylinson(au)Where stories live. Discover now