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I pull into the field and we all get out. We walk a few steps and sit on the grass.

"So about this field?" Louis asks, looking at me.

"Well, um.." I trail off.

"Harry, tell him." Niall says, grabbing my hand. I could sense that Louis was looking at us.

"This is really personal," I sigh, "And if you don't want to hear it, you don't have to." Silently pleading Louis to say he doesn't.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. We just became friends, it's okay." He says. I silently thank him.

"Well what do you want to do?" I sigh.

"Um play tag?" Niall suggests after the tension settles.

"You're such a kid." I shake my head as we all get up and play tag. Soon we all get tired and fall onto the grass, laying on our backs. I look over to Louis and see him panting. His chest going up and down as he tries to settle his breathing. He just looks so beautiful. A beautiful human being. I look away and just stare at the clouds until one of us is ready to say something.

"Is this field special to you?" I hear Louis ask as I look at him. "I'm sorry, I'm just really intrigued and really nosey." He quickly apologizes.

"It's okay," I sigh. "It's just. My ex-"

"You don't have to." He says and Niall just looks at both of us.

"My ex told me this place was special. I kept asking why. He wouldn't answer me. One night, he brought me here." I look at Niall, and he rubs my back. "One night, he brought me here and-" Tears forming in my eyes. "And he- he um- r-raped me." I say tears running down my cheek.

"Oh Harry. I'm so sorry." Louis says as he gets up and hugs me. I hug him back and somehow, I feel safe. I enjoyed it. I sniffle as we pull away.

"Do you want to go home or come by my place?" I nod.

"Your place sounds good." I look at Niall. "He can come too." Louis says as if reading my mind. We all hop in my car. I actually let Louis drive this time because I was emotional. I can't believe I told him that. The only other person who knew was Niall. But he was my bestfriend so of course he'd know. But Louis. I just met Louis. But yet I feel so comfortable with him.

I look over to Louis driving, bobbing his head to the radio. I smiled. This boy is gonna be the death of me. I thought to myself.

I just sigh and wipe my nose on my sleeve. I look outside my window and somehow I fall asleep before we pulled up to Louis' apartment.


Eighth chapter!! I hope you like it!!
I'm sorry if it's stupid.
I'll update soon, lots of love, skinnielove

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