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"Harry! You're gonna be late for school!" My mum yells from downstairs and I huff in annoyance.

"I'm up!" I yell back downstairs. I drag myself out of bed and go to the bathroom. I take a quick shower, not washing my hair. I get out, putting a towel around my waist and brushing my teeth. I then go back to my room and get dressed in white skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and my black boots. It seemed like an okay outfit for me to wear.

I grab my bag and head downstairs.

"Here." My mum says as she hands me a banana.

"Thanks," I say, peeling it as I walk outside to my car. I get in and my phone buzzes. I put the banana down and grab my phone. It was from Niall.

Dude, where are you?

I sent him a quick text saying I was on my way. I put the keys in he ignition and made my way to Niall's house. Once there, Niall got up from sitting on his steps and hopped in the passenger side.

"Oi mate. You're late." Niall says. Soon laughing at what he just said. "That rhymes." He says out between laughs. I shake my head at his goofiness.

"I know. I know. My mum yelled at me to get up this morning. I guess I just had so much fun yesterday that I forgot today was Monday." I sigh.

"Ooh, what did you do?" Niall looks at me, but I keep my eyes on the road as I drive us to school.

"I met this guy at Starbucks, the day you went on your date with Luke," I look at him for a split second, seeing him nod. "Well his name is Louis and we hung out yesterday at the swimming area."

"Did y'all do anything?" I can sense Niall wiggling his eyebrows.

"No we didn't. We just floated and talked. It was nice. You don't get that a lot in this generation." I sigh, pulling into the school parking lot.

"Yeah. That's exactly what Luke and I did. Talked." Niall laughs out as we got out of my car and walk into the school building.

"Niall. I swear. We didn't do anything. But you on the other hand, did you have sex with with Luke? On the first date?" I ask eyeing him.

"No. I didn't. I was just messing with you. We might've kissed a little. Or a lot. But that's it." Niall says blushing. I chuckle.

"Okay Nialler, whatever you say." I grab my books and head to first period.

_____after school____

My phone buzzes as I wait for Niall to get out of his last period. I seen that it from Louis and I got excited.

Hey! I'm guessing you're out of school right now so do you wanna hang?

I immediately text back saying yes but I'm waiting on my friend right now. He responded back that it was okay and that if my friend wanting to join, he could.

"Hey Haz, you ready?" Niall suddenly appears next to me.

"Uh yeah. Louis just texted me saying he wanted to hang out and that you could join if you wanted." I say as we walk to my car.

"I'd hate to third wheel," he smirks, "But I'd love to meet this guy. If you don't mind, that is." He looks at me for approval.

"I don't care if you tag along. It's not like we're in a relationship." We both get into my car and drive to the place Louis said to meet him at, which happens to be Starbucks.

"Yet." Niall added with a smirk.

"I admit, yes he's cute and his body is attractive. But I don't think he'd go for a guy like me. Yeah, he's called me cute, but he was just being nice and returning the favor." I sigh as Niall gasps.

"He called you cute?! When?!" Niall over exaggerates.

"Yesterday when we were swimming." I tell him. He then goes on and on about how Louis and I would soon be in relationship and grow old together and all that nonsense.

I silence him when we pull into Starbucks. I see Louis waiting, sitting on one of the chairs that's outside. His face lightens up when he sees my car. I smile when I see him. I turn to Niall.

"Could you please get in the backseat?" I plead him. He huffs but nods his head and climbs in the back. I motions Louis to get in the passenger side.

"Your friend didn't have to get in the back. I could've gotten in the back." He says as he buckles up. I start the engine and pull off.

"It's fine. Right Niall?" I look in he rear view mirror to Niall.

"Yeah mate. It's completely fine. I'm Niall, by the way." He puts his hand up to Louis, who gladly shakes it.

"I'm Louis." he grins.

"I know. Harry's mentioned you." I mentally face-palm at Niall.

"Oh really? Has he now?" Louis turns to face me although I keep my eyes on the road. My palms slightly sweating. I could feel Louis' eyes on me. I could feel his smirk. I could feel Niall's eyes on me as well.

I clear my throat. "So, um, where are we going?" I ask with a groggy voice.

"To that field you took me to, I guess." Louis says.

"You took him to the field?" Niall asks. I forgot to mention that. Shit, I also forgot that the field was somewhat something to me. Not exactly special, but you understand. But it was a part of my life. 

"Yeah kind of. I didn't know where else to go. Sorry Nialler." I say looking at him through the rearview mirror, before putting my eyes on the road.

"What's up with the field?" Louis asks.

"You didn't tell him?" Niall asks, curiously.

"No he didn't tell me anything about it." Louis says. Again, I could feel Louis' eyes on me.

"Well the field-" I cut Niall off.

"Niall. Stop. I'll tell him when we get there." I say. Niall mutters an 'okay'. Louis just continues to look at me. His eyes burning into me.


Seventh chapter! I hope you like it! It's a little over a thousand words. The longest one so far.

I'm sorry if this is a stupid chapter.

Thoughts on Niall joining Harry and Louis?

Thoughts on the field?

Hope you enjoy! lots of love, skinnielove

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