Chapter Two: The Ruins

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(Frisk's POV)

I was near death, with scratches all over me and petals were all around my soul, I could die at any moment. But as luck would have it, a fireball hit flowey and he was gone. Then a goat looking monster came out of the shadows. She was wearing a purple dress with a weird design on it, that I felt like I've seen before but I don't know where.

"what a terrible creature, to hurt such a poor and innocent youth. No worries my child I will help you. I am Toriel, caretaker of the ruins. I come by here every day to see if anyone has fallen down. You are the first human to come down here in years. Come, I will guide you through the catacombs." Toriel said as she grabbed my hand and we started to walk. "What is your name my child?" Toriel asked. "My name is Frisk," I responded.

Toriel guided me through many puzzles and taught me how to get through the ruins. Then we finally reached her home, her house was a dark shade of purple. Then I saw something glowing in the grass, I wanted to go and check it out, but I didn't.

She showed me around after she treated my injuries, there were so many hallways. The kitchen was yellow and had beautiful tiles. Then there was a room where you just relaxed, it had a comfy chair next to a fireplace and two book cases that were next to the fireplace. Then she walked me down a hallway, the walls were a dark yellow, and had two mirrors with small tables under them.

Toriel opened the door to a room that was painted red, with a little pink bed and had stuffed animals next to it. There was a night stand and a beautiful vanity. The floor was made out of wood and it had a closet.

"This will be your new room, if you want to stay, that is," said Toriel, hoping that I would stay. "I will be in the kitchen if you need me my child," Toriel said. Then I nodded my head and she walked away, heading to the kitchen.

After Toriel left I entered my room and looked around. When I opened the closet doors I saw a sweater that looked just like my shirt so I decided to put it on because my t-shirt was ripped and torn. Then I found some shorts, so I put them on. I was so exhausted that the moment my head hit the pillow I was sound asleep.

When I woke up there was a piece of pie in the middle of the room, and there was a sticky note on the plate, it said,

I made butterscotch cinnamon pie, I didn't know if you liked butterscotch or cinnamon so I decided to make a butterscotch cinnamon pie as a treat for you. I cut you a slice, I hope you enjoy it. Also I will be out for a bit.

After I ate the piece of pie I went outside and continued to look around. Then I noticed the stairs leading to the basement, so I started heading down them. There was a long dark hallway, I was scared, but I was also filled with determination so I continued down the creepy hallway. At the end of the hallway I saw a purple door with the same design that was on Toriel's dress.

I started to walk towards the door and it opened, on the other side was a forest full of snow. Then I walked into the forest and I saw the beautiful snow fall from the sky.

Afterwards I started to walk around and I accidentally stepped on a twig. Then a shadowy figure behind said, "Hey kiddo, don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand."

~To be continued ~

I hoped you enjoyed it, I'll post chapter three tomorrow.😋

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