Chapter Fifteen: Nightmare Madness

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(Sans POV)

Once I was done patching up Paps I went to bed with my eyes stained with tears. After I feel asleep I saw Frisk fighting Paps then with one cut she killed him, he turned into dust right in front of me! And then Frisk just walked away as if nothing happened, but she had a menacing smirk on her face. But yet I didn't stop her, why didn't I stop her, why, why is this happening. Then I was fighting her in the Judgment hall, but why was I, why was this all occurring in my dream. And, and I-I killed her right then and there, I couldn't bare to see Frisk with one of my attacks speared through her, so I looked away.

Then I woke up with tears streaming down my face. Because of my dream I went downstairs to see if Frisk was ok. When I got downstairs I saw Frisk, crying with a face covered in fear and shock, so I ran downstairs and once she saw me she yelled my name. Once I got on the couch she hugged me and said, "I had a terrible dream, I killed Papyrus." "I had the same dream," I responded as I hugged her tighter. Then we both fell asleep on the couch.

(Frisk's POV)

(Frisk's Dream)

After I fell asleep next to Sans I saw me killing Papyrus and then Toriel. After I killed Toriel and Papyrus then I killed that armored monster and some lizard looking monster. Then I killed a robot and Flowey, I was covered in blood and their dust! Then I was someplace that I've never seen before and I watched myself k-kill Sans! Why, why! I can't stop crying, Sans, Sans.

(Frisk's dream ends)

(Sans POV)

Then I woke up to Frisk crying saying my name repeatedly, so I hugged her to comfort her and she hugged me. She stopped crying and hugged me tighter. "I'm here Frisk, I'm fine, I love you," I whispered to her even though she was asleep. "I love you to Sans," she mumbled in her sleep and then kissed me on the cheek, I couldn't help but blush and to start smiling like a goof.

'She looks so adorable when she's sleeping, I could just kiss her' I thought and I was tempted to so I kissed her on her cheek and she started to smile. Her smile lights up my whole entire world and without my world is cold and broken. And that's why I am going to stop Chara, I want to keep Frisk safe with all my heart. Then we both fell back to sleep.

(Paprus POV)
(Papyrus Dream)

I saw Frisk she was fighting me and I was losing. I died, then I saw Sans devastated as he picked up my red scarf. And that's when I noticed Sans and Frisk in the background. Tears started to stream down Frisk's face as she covered her mouth with her hand in shock. Sans was so devastated and scared, I wanted to go over to him and tell him I'm fine, but I didn't know what exactly was going on so I didn't.
(Papyrus dream ends)

When I woke up I was in my room! So I went downstairs and that's when I saw Frisk and Sans sleeping on the couch. Then I put a blanket on them two and started to make my FAMOUS AND AMAZING SPAGHETTI!

(Sans POV)

(Sans dream)

I saw Chara, it was pitch black so all I could see was the gleam of her knife, her crimson smirk, and her blood red eyes shimmering. "It's a beautiful day outside, The birds are singing and the flowers are blooming, on days like these kids like you should be burning in hell," I said to Chara. "Aww Sans you're too kind," Chara responded. Then we started to fight, but she dodged all my attacks. "So Sans how's Frisk, is she having some bad dreams," Chara said as she attacked, I avoided, barely. I then finished her off and walked away, but when I looked back I didn't see Chara, but Frisk. And that's when I dropped to my knees and started to cry. Then Frisk's spirit appeared next to me and tried to comfort me, but then she turned into dust that fell into my hands!

(Sans dream ends)

I woke up to Papyrus making his famous spaghetti and I knew today was going to be a ok day, to say the least.

~To be continued~

I hope you enjoyed Chapter Fifteen: Nightmare Madness. Also please follow my friend  ArticWolf44 . She has an amazing story, read it, please. Whelp I have to say vale until tomorrow. That's goodbye in Latin, I learned that one in my Latin class at my old charter school, actually my only charter school in sixth grade. Whelp I hope y'all toon in tomorrow, bye, oh wait I already said aduè, whoops😋bye.

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