Chapter Eleven: Papyrus

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(San's POV)

"Some armored monster attacked me," Frisk said. 'Undyne! It was Undyne, of course.' I thought. "So Sans why did you bring this human here?" Paps asked.

"Because she was injured," I answered back. "Is there any other reason you brought her back?" Paps asked with a smile. "MAYbe," I said. "Oh my god Sans, seriously," I heard Paps yell as I heard him face plant.

"Me and Sans are well, um, dating," Frisk responded while blushing. And so was I after what Frisk had just said. Then Paps just stared at me and then asked, "Sans, is this true?" "Yes Paps it is true," I responded. "My brother is dating a human! Wait my brother is dating a human I can't believe this what am I going to tell Undyne," Paps said starting to freak out. "Calm down Paps, everything will be fine," I said tiredly.

Then I looked back at the kiddo. "Hey Paps," I said in a saddened tone. "Yes brother," Paps answered back. "I think Undyne did this to the kiddo," I responded. "Haha Sans you're just being silly Undyne wouldn't do something like this, she just wouldn't," Paps said denying the fact that Undyne hurt someone. To tell you the truth Paps has a major crush on Undyne. The only other person that Paps has a crush on is Mettaton, even though he's never actually met her.

(Undyne's POV)

I can't believe I lost that human! I better call Alphy, hopefully she can find out where the human is at. Then I dialed Alphy and she picked up. "Y-yes Undyne, w-why d-did y-you call, not t-that I mind that y-you c-called me t-t-that is," Alphy said stuttering. "I found a human but I lost them is there any way you can find them" I said pissed about losing the human. "Y-yes I have a-a machine t-that c-can trace souls a-and since it's a h-human you're looking for i-it should be f-fairly easy," Alphys said. "Awesome!you really are the best Alphy," I responded.

"W-why thank y-you U-Undyne," Alphy responded. "W-Wait this c-can't be r-right," Alphy said. "What's wrong Alphy?" " I-It says h-here t-that the human is a-at S-Sans and Papyru's house," Alphy said sadly. "Those traitors!" I said real pissed. "Thanks Alphy, bye," I said and then hung up and started to head towards Papyrus and San's house.

(Frisk's POV)

Another skeleton started to walk over with three plates of spaghetti, one was on his head. So then me and Sans sat up. "Why hello human, I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS and it's very nice to meet you," Papyrus said as he held out a plate of spaghetti, waiting for me to grab it. "Why thank and I'm Frisk," I said as I grabbed the plate of spaghetti from him and started to eat it. Then Papyrus handed Sans his plate of spaghetti by crouching down and having Sans grab the plate of spaghetti off of his head.

After Papyrus gave Sans his plate of spaghetti he sat down and started to eat his spaghetti while he turned on the tv. Then a fish armored monster barged in! Wait that's the armored monster from yesterday! Then she yelled, "YOU TRAITORS! In the name of King Asgore you will pay!"

~To be continued~

I'm sooooooo sorry for the short chapter. What will happen to Sans, Frisk, Papyrus? Will Undyne kill Sans and Papyrus, if so then what will become of Frisk, will she become a genocide? Who knows, whelp besides me. Also I have made a new Undertale fanfic called Wartale so please check it out if you haven't already. Whelp I have to say adieu until tomorrow, bye😋

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