Chapter Nineteen: Underswap

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(Frisk's POV)

Then a portal opened and I fell through, again. I was hoping it was home, but as luck would have it it wasn't home.

When I hit the ground I passed out completely. I was in so much pain. When I woke up and saw Sans only he was shorter and looked different. "YOU HAVE FINALLY AWAKEN HUMAN!" He said excited.

"Where am I?" I asked 'Sans'. "Oh you're in Sowndin!" He said with a big smile. He reminds me of someone besides Sans but who? ........Papyrus! That's who he reminds me of! Weird, and kinda creepy.

"Who are you human?" He asked me.  "I'm Frisk!" I responded as I used my thumb to point at myself. "AND I AM THE MAGNIFICENT BLUEBERRY, BUT  HUMAN YOU MAY CALL ME BLUE," Blue said, it creeped me out so much. "HUMAN, I'M GOING TO TAKE YOU HOME SO I CAN HELP YOU," Blue said as he helped me up. My arms were covered in blood and it started to drop from my fingers onto the snow.

My arms were broken. When we got there I saw Papyrus, he was smoking! "HELLO BROTHER!" Blue said. "Hey Blue," he responded. "Who's your new friend there," he asked. "THE HUMAN'S NAME IS FRISK," Blue responded. Everything started to get blurry, crap. "S-sorry," I said as I started to fall. "HUMAN!" I heard Blue call out. "Frisk!" Papyrus said, it almost sounded like Sans, oh how much I miss him.

(Papyru's POV)

It's been awhile since Frisk fell into that dimensional hole. Sans misses her so much, sometimes I'll hear him cry himself to sleep while saying her name. He's constantly helping Alphys make that weird machine thingy that they're going to use to bring her home. I believe in my brother, but I'm also very worried about him and about his wellbeing.

(Underswap Papyru's POV)

I was just minding my own business when Blue came back. He brought home a human. She was bleeding and the only thing that I know about her now is her name. Then she started to get wobbly and passed out! Luckily I caught her. Then we decided to take her inside to bandage her up. I started to wonder what exactly happened to her?

(Frisk' POV)

Once I passed out I saw Chara and the room we were standing in was pitch black. "Hey Frisk," Chara called out. "Hello Chara," I responded.  "So Frisk I forgot to mention somethings about these timelines and/or alternate universes were traveling through," she said. "Like what?" I asked.

"Like the void, timelines, and more. The void is basically empty space. Different timelines are different resets. And lastly if you run into yourself you can't touch them or else your bodies will fuse together and you can never go home, same for me, sadly." Chara explained. "Wait so we'll have to go through all the resets! Including the ones where you take over me and we go on a genocide run," I asked in a nervous tone. "Yup," Chara responded.

Then everything started to become brighter and I opened my eyes. "HUMAN YOU'RE AWAKE. THANK GOODNESS,  ARE YOU OK? Blue asked. "Ya, I'm fine," I responded. "Ya sure kid," Papyrus said, he reminds me of Sans! 'This is so creepy,' I thought. "Ya, I'm sure," I responded. 

"Hey Sa- I mean Papyrus what happened after I passed out?" I asked. "We took you inside and bandaged, wait how did you know my name?" He asked.


~To be continued~

Sorry I haven't been updating lately, I've just been a lazy-bone, sorry😔 Well to say I'm sorry  the next chapter will be longer and their will be a major Frans (Frisk x Sans) moment in one of the upcoming chapters. Sadly I have
to say  goodbye until tomorrow😋

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