Chapter Four: The Moment

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(Sans POV)

Then Frisk started to black out so I looked at her HP level, it was at two! So I put my jacket on her because she was shivering. I had to hurry home or else she could die! So I used my powers to teleport us to my room. Then I put Frisk on my bed and went to get bandages. After I got the bandages I bandaged her up.

I knew that I couldn't let Paps know that the kiddo was here, or at least not yet. She was injured, badly. I had to get her HP up and fast. I ran down stairs and saw that Paps making his famous spaghetti.

"So Paps can I have some of your famous SPAghetti?" I asked. "SANS!" Paps said,annoyed. Then Paps gave me a plate full of spaghetti. "Thanks bro," I said as I grabbed the plate from him and went back upstairs to my room.

"Sans don't forget to pick up your sock!" Paps yelled at me as I was going upstairs. "Will do!" I yelled back. Then I entered back into my room and I closed my door. The kiddo was still out, but her HP level was now at one! I didn't know what to what do, so I pulled up a chair from my desk and I put it next to my bed.

Then Frisk hugged my jacket and said my name. I couldn't help but blush. I wondered why I had this feeling, but I don't know what word to us for it, like?, no that's not it.

Then Frisk started to wake up! "Frisk! Are you ok!" I asked, still worried about her. "I'm fine," answered Frisk. "Ok then eat this," I said as I tried to hand the plate of food to Frisk.

"Sorry Sans but I can't move my arms." Frisk said, embarrassed, it was cute, she's cute. Wait did I really just think that?! So what, maybe I do have a crush on Frisk. "Ok, then I'll feed it to you," I said, not knowing what else to do.

(Frisk's POV)

I can't believe Sans is feeding me! This is soooo embarrassing, but I didn't mind that much, even though I am blushing. It's weird, having someone care about you and care for you. I liked it, I liked him. Wait what am I saying, I just met him and he's a skeleton.

Should it matter if he's human or not. I think I have a crush on Sans!
I'm so happy! After I was done eating I noticed we weren't were we we're before. "Sans, where are we?" I asked. "Oh, we're in my room," he said as he scratched his uhh head, or skull. Wait! Is he blushing, but his cheeks are blue, I guess that's how skeletons blush, it's cute, he's cute.

(Sans POV)

After I said that I stared into her beautiful brown eyes while she stared at my blue eyes for a moment, it was nice, I liked it, no like isn't the word I would use. Hmm... Love! Ya that's it, wait did I really just say that!

"Hey kiddo" I said to Frisk. "Ya Sans," she responded back. "Do you want to be friends?" I asked. "I would love to be friends, but I don't know what it means to have a friend." Frisk said in a saddened tone. "What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"I never really have had a friend before," Responded Frisk. "Wait, really!" I said surprised. "Ya," she said, looking sad. "Well a friend is a person that you can depend and lean on," I said, trying to explain friendship. "So why did you climb Mt.Ebott?" I asked, curious. "Because my life was terrible." Frisk said. "How? If you don't mind telling me, that is," I said, trying not to pry.

(Frisk's POV)

I feel like I can tell sans anything, so I'll tell him. "It was terrible because my parents died when I was three. And after I lost the only people that truly loved me I was sent to an orphanage. None of my other family members wanted me because they said I was a weakling who never should have been born. And because my other family members said that the children at the orphanage bullied me for ten years," I said.

"Wow!" Sans said, shocked. "Ya, I know that humans can be heartless and cruel." I said. "Ya," Sans responded with a sigh. Then sans asked me, "Frisk, would you ever kill a monster?"

~To be continued~

Chapter Five: Old Friends is coming out tomorrow, I hope you liked chapter four. See you all tomorrow😋 Till then peace out.

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