Chapter Thirteen: Hello Chara

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(Papyrus POV)

After Sans told us to flee I picked up Frisk and left. I just kept on running until we ran into CHARA!

(Sans POV)

"Ok I'm done eating," Undyne said. Then I put the plate in the sink and we headed out. We walked for a while. "So Sans are you and the shrimp dating," Undyne asked, I started to blush. "Uhh, ya we are," I said as I scratched the back of my head/skull.

Then we found Frisk and Papyrus but the weren't alone, Chara was there. "Undyne we have to go now, we have to save them," I yelled. "But Frisk is hurting your brother!" Undyne yelled back. "That's not Frisk, it's Chara," I responded. "But how?" Undyne asked. "Because Chara possessed the kiddo," I responded. I could see Frisk's spirit inside crying saying, "please stop Chara, please. I'm so sorry Sans and Papyrus."

"Hey Undyne touch the bracelet on my arm," I said. "But why," she asked. "You'll find out why," I responded.

(Undyne's POV)

"Ok," I said unsure. Then I touched it and I saw the shrimp, crying and begging for Chara to stop and apologizing to Sans and Papyrus. The shrimp was being controlled! Then I was about to throw a spear at her until I heard Sans yell, "stop, if you try to hurt Chara then you hurt Frisk, please Undyne don't hurt the kiddo, please," Sans said on the verge of crying, "ok then what should we do?" I asked

"Ok you act as a distraction and I'll help the kiddo," Sans said, pulling himself together. "And how you going to do that?" I asked. "Like this," he said as his eye glowed and then his body just fell. "Sans!" I yelled. "Calm down I'm fine," said something behind. "What?" I asked annoyed. "I can separate my spirit from my body, now before we put this plan into action remember don't hurt Chara because that means you'll be hurting Frisk," Sans said. "Got it," I responded. Then we put the plan into action.

(Frisk's POV)

I was just sitting there, crying hoping than Papyrus would be ok. "Hey kiddo," someone said behind me, it sounds like Sans. "Sans?" I responded. "Yep it's me kid," Sans said back. And the I turned around and saw Sans crouched down so I hugged him which made him lose his balance and fall on his butt. "Sans I'm so sorry," I said, still crying.

"It's fine kiddo, I know this wasn't your fault," he said as he hugged me back. "But Sans I can't stop Chara, I just can't," I said, I had lost my determination. "You can Frisk, I just know you can," Sans said. "But how can I defeat her when I don't even believe in myself," I responded as me and Sans stopped hugging.

"Because I believe in you," Sans replied, I started to blush. "Ok then, I'll do it I'll fight Chara," I said with determination. "Chara I want you out of my body now!" I yelled, as I stood up. Then Chara appeared, her eyes gleamed and looked like deep red pools of blood. "Well, well, it looks like we have a pest," Chara said. "Chara I want you out my body, now!" I demanded.

"Then fight me for it," Chara responded.

~To be continued~

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry for not posting yesterday, I have no other excuse other than I want to play Super Smash Bros Brawl on the wii. And as I sorry for not posting yesterday I might add a Frans moment into tomorrow's chapter. Whelp good bye until tomorrow😋

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