Chapter Six: The Deal Part I

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"Why hello Frisk, I'm Chara, do you want to make a deal with me?" Chara asked, her blood red eyes gleaming brightly as she cracked a menacing smile. "If you give me your body and soul, then I won't kill you." She said as she held up her knife.

"Na," I said. Then she raced up to me and held the toy knife up to my throat. "What do you mean na," she said, angrily. " I mean na because I came here to die anyway, so no, I will not make a deal with you." I responded. "Oh, you are going to regret this big time," Chara said, pissed off.

Then she cut the side of my cheek and left into the shadows, and as she left into the shadows I saw her crimson smile and her blood red eyes and said, " Next time I will get your body and your soul, I promise that." then she was gone. She had disappeared into the shadows, leaving me in the dark. After she left all of a sudden a light grew brighter and brighter than I opened my eyes, I was in my bed and Toriel was sitting in a chair right next to me.

"Oh my child, you are awake!" Toriel said with glee. "What happened?" I asked, confused, only remembering the talk I had with Chara. "I found you collapsed over by your vanity holding an old locket." Toriel responded. "How long was I out?" I asked. "A day or so," she responded. "I will go make you some dinner and dessert, stay in bed." She said as she walked towards the door. "Ok," I responded. Then Toriel left and locked the door behind her.

Then I noticed that the locket was still in my hand so I put it in my pocket. After I put the locket in my pocket I started to get worried, remembering Chara's last words before she left, "Oh, you are going to regret this big time." But what could she mean, I have no family and no frie-, wait, Sans! He might get injured, or worse! I have to go warn him, like now!

But wait Toriel said not to get out of bed and the door is locked, fine then I'll sneak out tonight. Then Toriel came in holding soup, a slice of pie, and a glass of water. She carried all of it on a foldable food tray.

After I was done eating Toriel took the food tray and started to head to the door, but she stopped with her hand on the doorknob and turned back at me to say, "please get some rest my child." Then she left, but she didn't lock the door this time. I wonder why? Right now it's 8:35 P.M. so I'll sneak out at 1:00 A.M. But for now I'm gonna get some shut eye.

~Time Skip~

When I woke up I looked at the alarm clock on the night stand that's right next to my bed. It was 1:05 A.M. So I got up and quietly exited my room then I went down the hall and made a little detour to get a slice of butterscotch cinnamon pie, I might need it later. Toriel probably locked off the basement, so I'll find another way to get to Snowden.

Then I quietly went out the front door and once I was out of the house I continued to walk. My whole body was aching in pain, but it didn't matter, I have to get to Sans before Chara does. I continued walking until I somehow ended up in a dump, trash was everywhere, and there was even gigantic trash piles. Then I came across a dummy so I complimented it, " you look pretty today," I said. And then I continued walking,but then the dummy talked back! "Why thank you," the dummy said.

So I looked back and the all of a sudden I saw my soul appear. Do I have to fight the dummy? Then it spoke again, " I am a spirit inside a dummy. all you humans are the same and that's why I'm going to end you!"

What do I do? Then it started to throw attacks at me and I started to dodge his attacks. But every attack was worse than the last. I started to get hit, I could barely stand, I was about to die, again, but then something started to hit the dummy.

"Huh! Acid rain! That's it I'm out," the dummy yelled and then left. After the dummy left a ghost came down. "Thank you for saving me," I said to the ghost . "Y-you're welcome," the ghost responded. "I'm Frisk by the way," I said trying to get up, "I'm Napstablook," Napstablook said as he helped me up.

Then we walked for awhile until Napstablook said, "well, Snowdin is just past that door." "Wait you're not coming?" I said in a saddened tone. "N-nope, s-sorry." Napstablook said. "Ok then, see you later Napstablook" I said as I opened the door. "Bye Frisk," Napstablook said.

Then I went to the door but what I saw was shocking. I saw Sans but he was covered by vines and in his left eye I saw flowey! Then Sans attacked me with his gasterblasters, this wasn't the Sans that I knew.

~To be continued~

I can't wait to write what happens next. Whelp see you all tomorrow, but till then, see ya.😋

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