Chapter Twenty: Dr. Undyne

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(Frisk's POV)

"Hey Sa- I mean Papyrus what happened after I passed out?" I asked. "We took you inside and bandaged, wait how did you know my name?" He asked.

"Ummmm.... didn't you mention it Papyrus?" I asked. "No," Papyrus replied. "Didn't you mention it Blue?" I asked. "NO," Blue responded. Crap! What do I tell them, oh ya I fell through a black magical portal that brought me here. Ya right, they'll think I'm some crazy person! What do I do pretend to faint. Wait! That's a great idea!

So to fake it I said, "s-sorry Blue, Papyrus." Then my head hit the pillow. "FRISK!" I heard Blue yell. "AWW MAN THE HUMAN PASSED OUT AGAIN AND I HAVE TO GO SEE ALPHYS. BROTHER COULD YOU PLEASE TAKE THE HUMAN TO DR.UNDYNE?" I heard Blue ask. Dr. Undyne? "Sure thing bro," Papyrus responded. "WELL THEN GOODBYE BROTHER," I heard Blue say as I listened to the door swing open and close. Then someone picked me up and carried me out the door bridal style. Then I felt a pinch in my arm and the pain rushed through me. Crap my wound reopened I thought as I passed out.

(Underswap Papyrus POV)

As I was carrying the kid I could feel her body almost drop and that's when I realized she was faking it before. Then I looked back at her arms, they got worse. I started to walk a bit faster. I finally got to Dr.Undyne's lab, so I knocked on the door and Undyne answered it. "Why h-hello P-Papyrus,c-come on i-in," Dr. Undyne said. Then I walked into her lab. "Dr. Undyne I need your help, the kid is badly injured and I don't think she's from this dimension," I said. "O-ok then b-bring her o-over here," Undyne stuttered as she started to walk over to a medical bed so I placed her down carefully.

"I'll go g-get some s-supplies," Undyne said as she went to go get the supplies. After she left I went outside for a smoke break. Then Undyne came out and said, "you've been o-out here f-for an hour P-Papyrus, I'm d-done treating the g-girl." "Oh sorry I guess I lost track of time, thank you Dr.Undyne," I replied. "Oh n-no problem," Dr.Undyne said as we walked back inside, the kid was awake sitting on the medical bed. "Hey kid are ya feeling ok?" I asked her. "ya," she responded in a kind tone. "Are you ready to go?" I asked Frisk. "Where to?" She questioned.

"Oh, we're going to meet up with my brother," I responded. "Oh okay then let's go," she responded as she got off the bed. "Thank you for everything Undyne goodbye," I said as we headed for the door. "Goodbye Dr.Undyne and thank you," I heard the kid say. "Goodbye y-you two a-and your w-welcome, come back s-soon,"Undyne responded. Then we walked out the door and headed for Alyphs house. We walked for quite a while. "So kid where ya from," I asked Frisk. "What do you mean?" She asked as she looked at me confused. "What dimension are you from cause you sure aren't from this one," I replied. "I-I don't know what your talking about," Frisk said with a confused look, I could tell she lied. "Oh really?" I responded with a smirk. "*sigh* fine I'm not from here, I'm from....Undertale," she said. "So how'd ya get here?" I asked. "Well Chara said that Gaster took us here," I responded.

"Gaster! Of course Undertale Gaster is in the void, so that's why the dimensions been off!" I said in a loud tone. Then I noticed that we were at Alphy's house. "Hey Alphys!" I yelled out to her. "Oh hey Papyrus," Alphys responded as she walked over towards me. "Hey who's the squirt?" Alphys asked as she ruffled up Frisk's hair. "Oh she's a um a...." I was cut off by Alphys. "A human," she said I was shocked and so was Frisk. Frisk was also paralyzed by fear. Why is she scared, maybe a bad memory from her dimension.

She was shaking so much. "Well it's nice to meet you human," said Alphys. I was shocked and so was Frisk. "Hey human you can go and sit on the fence while I talk to Paps and Blue," Alphys told Frisk in a polite tone. "Ok," responded the
kid with a smile as she went to sit on the fence.

(Frisk's POV)

I was just sitting on the fence when I heard a voice then I looked next to me it was Chara but at the same time it wasn't. I nearly fell off the fence. "I'm sorry for scaring you," she said in a shy voice. Wait did Chara just apologize! "Oh it's fine," I replied. Chara was wear a white dress with cherry blossoms on it.

We started up a conversation that lasted for hours, but then a hole appeared right under me! Then Chara yelled in desperation, "grab onto my hand!" So I did, she was gonna try to pull me out but she lost her grip and I fell through.

On the other side of that portal I saw Sans but he wasn't the same, his eyes were full of pain and blood lust. Then he aimed about 20 gaster blasters at me.

I was toast, a broken heart dead person. Even though I knew that he wasn't my Sans he looked exactly like him, it hurt so bad. Then I saw the gaster blasters getting ready to fire.

(Sans POV)

When I looked back at the screen I saw Frisk and she was crying! Then I saw me and I was about to kill her! "Frisk no get out of the way!" I yelled in pain. Then the gaster blasters fired and Frisk was gone, I dropped to my knees. "Frisk is....gone, I killed her. This is all my fault." I mumbled in pain as I started to cry with my hands on my face. Then Alphys started to try to comfort me, but it failed. I had just lost my true love and she died by my hands.

~To be continued~

Hey you guys it's me, I know the ending of this chapter is super sad but there is more to come, who knows Frisk might have not actually have died. I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a really long time. And I might not be posting as often because my school starts next week! July 24th😭 whelp bye! I hope to see you all very soon 😋

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