Chapter Three: Meeting Sans

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(Frisk's POV)

Then a shadowy figure behind said, "Hey kiddo, don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand." So I did what any sane person would do and I started to run and I never looked back, until I came across a river so then I looked back and saw someone or something coming closer. So I backed up and then I ran and I jumped to get over the river, sadly I didn't make it. Fun fact, I can't swim.

I started to drown and my air supply was down to zero. I started to think  ' hmm, what a fitting end for a weakling.' Then someone jumped in and saved me! Of course right away I started to spit out water, trying to breathe.

"Gee kiddo, you sure are reckless." said the shadowy figure. Then I turned around and saw a skeleton! I was about to run away again, but then my soul came out of my body, but it was blue this time!

"Hey, um could you please put my soul back into my body and turn it back to its original color?" I asked.   "Kiddo calm down, I just didn't want you to run off again. I really don't want to run after you again." He said as he got up.

(Sans POV)

Aww man I'm drenched, at least the kiddo is ok. " Fine I swear I won't run away," the human said, creeped out by seeing her own soul. So then I put her soul back into her body, which also turned it back to normal.

"So human, what's your name?" I asked her. "Wait you know I'm a human! But how!" the Kiddo said, scared and flustered, it was kind of cute actually. " No worries I don't want to capture anyone, unlike my brother Papyrus." I said, trying to re-ensure her."O-ok" she said nervously and scared, it was a bit adorable, some might even say a doorbell.

"So kiddo what's your name?" I asked, curious. "Oh right, I'm Frisk" she said as she got up, her legs were shaking. 'What a cute name,' I thought. "And I'm sans, sans the skeleton," I said holding my hand out for Frisk to shake. Once she shook my hand it started to make a farting noise and I started to laugh.

"Hahaha, the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick, it's always funny." I said with a big grin on my face. "Come on," I said as I motioned my hand forward and then I started  to walk forward, but I stopped walking because the kiddo was still standing in the snow and she then fell.

"What's the hold up kiddo? You ok?" I asked, worried. "Ya it's just, I can't walk." She said in a sad tone. Then I noticed that she was covered in bandages, and there was blood coming from her arm!
"Frisk! You're bleeding!" I said extremely worried.

(Frisk's POV)

After sans said that my arm was bleeding I looked back at my arm and it was bad. The wound reopened and I couldn't even feel my legs or anything for that matter. My whole entire body was numb!

"Here I'll carry you," said sans as he walked over to me. "O-ok," I said. Then sans picked me up bridal style. 'This is so embarrassing,' I thought as I started blushing.

(Sans POV)

Wow! She was a lot lighter than I thought. Then Frisk started to black out so I looked at her HP level, it was at two! I had to hurry home or else she could die!

~To be continued~

I hoped you enjoyed and sorry for the cliffhanger, again, but I just couldn't help myself😋. I'll see you tomorrow. Find out what happens next on Forbidden Love (Sans x Frisk).....

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