Chapter sixteen: Alphys

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(Sans POV)

I woke up to Paps making his famous spaghetti and I knew today was going to be a ok day, to say the least. After I smelt Paps making his famous spaghetti I sat up.

Then Frisk woke up and sat up, I was behind her, so I said, "good morning my love," and as she looked up I kissed her forehead. She immediately put her head down and blushed as red as a rose, it was so cute I couldn't help but hug her. She kept on blushing. "I love you too," Frisk said as she turned around and kissed me on the cheek. Which made me blush bluer than an echoflower.

Then Undyne came in and Frisk immediately hide behind me. "So is the shrimp and Papyrus ok?" She said embarrassed, but yet concerned. "Ya, actually the kiddo is hiding from, ... you behind my back," I responded. "So I'm guessing that means she's still afraid of me, "Undyne replied. "Ya, she is, sorry," I responded. Then I turned around to face Frisk and asked her, "hey kiddo do you want to meet Undyne, she's a great friend of mine." Then Frisk nodded her head, so I moved over to left so Undyne could see Frisk and then I motioned Undyne forward using my hand.

After Undyne walked over and kneeled down on one knee she said, "hi I'm Undyne, I'm sorry for hurting you. Can you forgive me?" Then the kiddo nodded. "Friends?" Undyne asked as she held out her hand for Frisk to shake. "Friends," Frisk said in a cheerful tone with a bright smile as she shook Undyne's hand.

"So shrimp, um I mean Frisk do you want to meet Alphys?" She asked. "Sure," Frisk responded excitedly. "Are you sure that that's a good idea?" I asked. "Why wouldn't it be?" Undyne questioned. "Because Alphys makes inventions for King Asgore," I responded. "And you're a sentury," Undyne replied. "Good point," I said as I stood up and picked up the kiddo,  bridal style.

"Wait what about breakfast?" Paps asked in a saddened tone. "Sorry Paps," I responded. "Sorry," Undyne replied. "Sorry Papyrus," the kiddo said in the most cutest way possible. "But human I thought you my friend," Paps said in a depressed tone. "I am," Frisk responded with a beautiful and bright smile. Then we all said goodbye to Paps and left.

We walked for a while. "Hey kiddo, knock knock," I said. "Who's there?" She answered back with a smile. "Naya," I responded. "Naya what?" She asked, still smiling. "Naya business," I said, which then made her giggle.

Then we finally made it there. I saw the kiddo's face, it was light up, she was amazed. She is the light of my life and I will do everything in my power to protect her. Then Undyne walked right in and said, well more like yelled, " hey Alphy I'm back and I brought the human!" "Really!" Alphys asked as she ran over. "Hi I'm Frisk," the kiddo said. "A-and I'm A-Alphys," Alphys responded as her and Frisk shook hands.

Then Alphys noticed that Frisk's led was broken. "Can I help heal your leg?" Alphys asked and Frisk nodded. So then I took Frisk over to a medical bed and carefully placed her down onto the bed. Then Alphys took the bandages off, if hurt Frisk, but I knew Alphys was trying to take it off carefully. Then she re-wrapped her leg and put a blue cast on her leg.

(Frisk's POV)

After Alphys put on the cast I said, "Thank you Alphys." Then I felt my leg heal more. "Your w-welcome F-Frisk, there's a-also a s-special serum t-that I-I pored o-over the c-cast and the b-bandages, they help y-your wounds h-heal quickly," she responded. Then Alphys gave me crutches and we left Alphy's lab, but before we left we all said goodbye to Alphys. While we were walking home I fell through a hole that suddenly appeared!

(Sans POV)

"Hey kiddo is your leg still bugging you?" I asked, but no one answered back. "Kiddo?" I asked, starting to get worried. Then I looked back and I saw a whole! "Frisk!" I yelled as I ran over to the hole, but I was too late, by the time I got there the hole was too small for me to jump through. I fell to my knees and started to cry, I failed you Frisk. "Lets go back to Alphy's lab, maybe she can help," Paps said as he walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. Then I nodded and stood up. After I got up Paps hugged me and I hugged him back. "Thanks bro," I said. "Your welcome brother, and never forget I great Papyrus is always here for you," he responded.

(Frisk's POV)

Where am I? Hey the good news is that my leg is healed,so I took off the cast and got up. As I was dusting off my shorts someone said, "Hey sweetheart don't you know how to greet a new pal, turn around and shake my hand." 'Sans?' I thought.

~To be continued~

What happened to Frisk, and what will Sans do? I hoped you enjoyed it, I'm sooo sorry I haven't been posting lately. I had my friends over for a sleepover and then I had to pack for the trip to Colorado that where driving to. See you soon, hopefully. Bye 😋

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